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Arma 2 OA Steam Version no entry "bin\config.bin/cfgingameui/mptable.shadow"

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Hello Survivors,

first of all: I know this was already posted but that post that was made before doesnt solve the problem for me! so please dont delete this...


So the problem is I cant start Arma 2 Oa (Steam version) because there comes the error : bin\config.bin/cfgingameui/mptable.shadow" and shortly after that error there comes this one : Error compiling pixel shader PSSpecularAlpha:0!

So I searched hours in google and did everything they say BUT the problem doesnt go away!

I tried:

-Re-installing (downloading) Arma 2 and Arma 2 Oa

-Run steam as administrator

-installing latest drivers for gpu

-of course restartet my pc

and delete the whole steam folder and did everything new

So for gods sake, please help me :(

I dont want to nerv because this is the 2nd time this is posted but I want this problem fixed and i cant fix it on my own so pls help me :((

THANK YOU very much (:

and by the way: im german , sorry for my terrible english

I attached two photos which show the error screens



Edited by AssiBaer
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ok so go to steam right click on arma 2 oa propeties launch options and fill in this

-mod=C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\Common\ArmA 2;EXPANSION;ca

if you get another error you have the same proplem like me i am watching for a solution

if you need the solution just ask

Edited by Ressid

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  On 8/10/2012 at 7:57 AM, Ressid said:

ok so go to steam right click on arma 2 oa propeties launch options and fill in this

-mod=C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\Common\ArmA 2;EXPANSION;ca

if you get another error you have the same proplem like me i am watching for a solution

if you need the solution just ask

  On 8/10/2012 at 7:57 AM, Ressid said:

ok so go to steam right click on arma 2 oa propeties launch options and fill in this

-mod=C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\Common\ArmA 2;EXPANSION;ca

if you get another error you have the same proplem like me i am watching for a solution

if you need the solution just ask

I need a solution please I did this it started going on the game but stopped and said Bad Serial Number given in Setup

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  On 8/10/2012 at 7:57 AM, Ressid said:

ok so go to steam right click on arma 2 oa propeties launch options and fill in this

-mod=C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\Common\ArmA 2;EXPANSION;ca

if you get another error you have the same proplem like me i am watching for a solution

if you need the solution just ask

Thank you it fixed my problem but now i get bad serial number given in setup :/

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3, Expand Software

4, Expand Wow6432Node

5, Expand Bohemia Interactive Studio Not Bohemia Interactive

6, Click ArmA 2 OA, If you only see 1 file named "(Default)" And type REG_SZ then,

7, Right click the ArmA 2 OA file and go to Permissions

8, Left click YOUR USER, NOT! Users

9, After selecting your user click on Advanced

10, Yet Again click on your username for your pc and click on edit

11, In the drop down menu select This Key and Subkeys

12, You will see allow and deny make sure all allow boxes are ticked then click ok

13, you will be taken back one Dialogue box, Click Apply and OK and the same again on the

next dialogue box.

14, Now you should see 4 files sat in your ArmA 2 OA folder, Names, "(Default)" "Data" "Key" & "main"

15, Now play your game hassle free

i can just give you a german version if you need it

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"Had" the same problem after enabling an expansion A2:PMC. After redownloading/installing PMC and receving same errr, Ended up going to play some AO. Thought I'd check the expansion screen from main menu and disabled all but Arma 2,OA&PMC. PMC worked with no issues.

I'd try "unchecking" mods in your Arma2:OA main menu. Re-enable one-at-time until problem reoccurs. Either destroy, fix or reinstall 'that' mod (if needed)

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@ RESSID i tired following your instructions but all the users do have permission but the game still has a bad key. the USERS is the only one which doesnt have all permission but even when i try to give it permission and click apply it makes no changes and switches back to not having all permission

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  On 11/7/2012 at 9:48 PM, dvd_fuller said:

@ RESSID i tired following your instructions but all the users do have permission but the game still has a bad key. the USERS is the only one which doesnt have all permission but even when i try to give it permission and click apply it makes no changes and switches back to not having all permission

Are you reffering to the folder or .exe? Sounds a little involved but "if you feel the need", perhaps when you goto check on permissions, click the "edit permissions" first, so you'll go the "right window" to edit USER permissions? Worked for but for something totally unrelated.

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Ressid, bitte schick das ganze nochmal in Deutsch, ich hab dir zwar ungefähr folgen können, aber so ganz hat das dann doch nicht funktioniert...

Ressid, please post this message again in German, at least I was able to follow you hardly, but at all i didn’t got it

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  On 8/14/2012 at 6:06 AM, Ressid said:



3, Expand Software

4, Expand Wow6432Node

5, Expand Bohemia Interactive Studio Not Bohemia Interactive

6, Click ArmA 2 OA, If you only see 1 file named "(Default)" And type REG_SZ then,

7, Right click the ArmA 2 OA file and go to Permissions

8, Left click YOUR USER, NOT! Users

9, After selecting your user click on Advanced

10, Yet Again click on your username for your pc and click on edit

11, In the drop down menu select This Key and Subkeys

12, You will see allow and deny make sure all allow boxes are ticked then click ok

13, you will be taken back one Dialogue box, Click Apply and OK and the same again on the

next dialogue box.

14, Now you should see 4 files sat in your ArmA 2 OA folder, Names, "(Default)" "Data" "Key" & "main"

15, Now play your game hassle free

i can just give you a german version if you need it

What you posted didnt work for me. I just went into the registry, and deleted the entries for both Bohemia Interactive Studio and Bohemia Interactive.

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