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Maps in DayZ

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So, I've had a map for a while and whenever I open it up, it's just a map. However, on some servers I can see myself on the map as a blue dot. Is this a server thing or is it buggy? Also, how does marking the map work in relation to other people's maps?

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The "blue dot thing" is somthing that only turns up on certain servers. Its as far as i am concerned not a bug, but depends on the server settings.

And when you make a map marker it turns up on other peoples map. I am not sure that you can make personal markers. And if you ever see a marker saying "Free chopper here", well, then its a trap.

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And if you see yourself on the map, you can see nearly players and zeds too. That's awful.

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You need the GPS item to see yourself on the map.


It's as already said above a server setting. I think on recruit servers this funktion is enabeled. However I don't know for sure since I play from the begining on on Vet servers.

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It's as already said above a server setting. I think on recruit servers this funktion is enabeled. However I don't know for sure since I play from the begining on on Vet servers.

The recruit and veteran servers are misleading, as the admin can change the settings to how they like. I really don't like seeing myself on the map, generally I know where I am anyway by the time I have found one, so it just makes for easier navigation (shift click to set way-point). I would be very wary on servers where you can see yourself and possibly others on the map, because if you don't check often, you could be blind sided by someone that is.

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Here is a little thing about maps which I learned late and really did not know about.

Place your mouse pointer over the location that you want to do go too, hold down shift + press the left mouse button and it will make a small marker. When you now exit the map there will be a marker on the screen which can be followed direct to your destination. it will also tell you the distance as a little counter of meters left to travel.

I did not know about this so spent loads of time looking around for road signs, landmarks and lining up the compass (like you would in real life).

EDIT: Just noted discombobulated already posted this above, so kudos there.

Edited by shinshady

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I've seen this Blue marker on some servers, it's not default.

Also I haven't gotten a GPS yet, and I did see myself on the map.

It's convenient , sure, but I rather have a realistic map, which is just a piece of paper with no location markers on it.

The blue marker should only be visible when you have the GPS as well.

I like to force myself not to look at the marker, but that's impossible... and just figure out where I am the traditional way. It's more fun to me.

I wish there was a way to force the marker off clientside, and give myself that handicap.

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