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Anyone want to play? SP is hard :(

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Allways when i play. No matter how many weapons or bandages... i WILL DIE! Once i had found a truck with 7 guns in it all the food and medical kits i needed, next day... dead. I cant play sp, its to hard some one help me. i am 13 so if you think kids are dumb, stupid, idiots just leave the topic. I am quite mature.

skype name: ollie22007

thanks! :D

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Honestly, who would WANT to play with someone that can't stay alive? If you are that terrible you might have a really hard time finding partners. Good luck though I think you should change your post to leave out the "I suck basically" part.

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Honestly, who would WANT to play with someone that can't stay alive? If you are that terrible you might have a really hard time finding partners. Good luck though I think you should change your post to leave out the "I suck basically" part.

Ok thanks im not saying im bad. im saying its hard to play sp. i would like some one to play with

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What kills you? I can't blame you if you die to players playing solo, getting destroyed by zombies though, you may want to work on that, if stealth isn't your thing, run through town and collect all the zombies, run them through a house with two entrances, and run to the good loot spots free of zombie. You may die to player a bit more that way though.

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What kills you? I can't blame you if you die to players playing solo, getting destroyed by zombies though, you may want to work on that, if stealth isn't your thing, run through town and collect all the zombies, run them through a house with two entrances, and run to the good loot spots free of zombie. You may die to player a bit more that way though.

bandits. they are so annoying. I dont want to get in a fight with them so i say most of the time "FRIENDLY". Then they shoot me. :\ bobby got in contact on skype and he is inviting me to a clan with 6 people in it. So i think im going to be ok now. thanks :D

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Honestly, who would WANT to play with someone that can't stay alive? If you are that terrible you might have a really hard time finding partners. Good luck though I think you should change your post to leave out the "I suck basically" part.

Basicly what you are doing is flipping your finger at someone who screams for help and is in need of a partner.

And still people do so ask why this world has so many wars >.>

Alright boy giving you a chance. added you on skype see you soon

Oh and one more thing.

If i find you in my scope helpless i am going to unload a mag on you just for fun. Happy hu- i mean Happy fleeing.

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Thanks every one! i am now in a clan with 6 people allready in it. I think dayz is going to be much easer and fun. ;)

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Basicly what you are doing is flipping your finger at someone who screams for help and is in need of a partner.

And still people do so ask why this world has so many wars >.>

Alright boy giving you a chance. added you on skype see you soon

Oh and one more thing.

If i find you in my scope helpless i am going to unload a mag on you just for fun. Happy hu- i mean Happy fleeing.

OK tough guy fire away. Mighty emotional considering no one was talking directly to you. Go ahead or somethin'.

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Clan with at least seven people now in it eh? Sounds interesting.

Took out a group of four yesterday by myself, seven sounds like a fun number to aim for next. Would you do me a favor and tape a target onto your head?

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Clan with at least seven people now in it eh? Sounds interesting.

Took out a group of four yesterday by myself, seven sounds like a fun number to aim for next. Would you do me a favor and tape a target onto your head?

FYI he was masturbating with his other hand as he typed this.

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Honestly, who would WANT to play with someone that can't stay alive? If you are that terrible you might have a really hard time finding partners. Good luck though I think you should change your post to leave out the "I suck basically" part.

well ofc if you play like you

3/40 players on the server you will stay Alive.

Edited by Mabuse

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