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A desperate Plea for more control (My server under attack for past week)

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I like to ask the DayZ dev to allow us more control over the server, like been able to password protect it, I just had to take my server down yet again due to Hacker mass teleporting every one in one location, or spawning items and ect.

This is so frustrating now because I don't know what to do, regular players on my server complain they died to hackers, almost every day there is some one new doing all kinds of shit and we can't do nothing about it. In the past 2 weeks the amount of hacking has increased significantly and is getting out of control.

We who pay for the server are the ones who keep this community alive, without people like us who are willing to pay every months to get a server hosted this community of players would not exist, so there for I strongly advice that you guys allow more control over our server so that we can at least manage our regular players.

At this very moment my server is under heavy attack and I was forced to shut it down. Any help or suggestion would be appreciated to help me deal with this issue right now guys, the in game Admin control panel doesn't let me ban people because I get kicked every time I try to log in. Is there any way that I can do a mass ban or something because this is out of control right now.

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good luck.. I keep pushing the guys to just shut the server down.. but they refuse to.

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Hackers have gotten so insane, I got global banned for some idiot executing scripts on me. (Don't need random rage saying I'm a hacker) My solution is I'm bringing down my server for good probably, I don't feel we should pay to host a server just to get hacked 24.7

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good luck.. I keep pushing the guys to just shut the server down.. but they refuse to.

Mate I just don't know what to do any more, there are so many hackers ruining my server now days and I can't do anything about it, how many people do you think I can ban? and even if I do ban someone who will just come on these forums and start to cry about "Admin Abuse" WTF am I paying for then....

My question is how can I check who is doing what on my server so I can at least ban the right guys?

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Hackers have gotten so insane, I got global banned for some idiot executing scripts on me. (Don't need random rage saying I'm a hacker) My solution is I'm bringing down my server for good probably, I don't feel we should pay to host a server just to get hacked 24.7

Sorry for double posting but I will no longer support DayZ by paying for my server, because I just can't do anything about all these script kids completely molesting the server and all the regular players.

I'm sorry but you can't understand how frustrating this is...

Edited by OutlawXGP

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I would just drop the server for now until someone can get this shit sorted out. No point in wasting your money.

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I do concur, most legit players have a server they call home. If players and server admins could come together somehow and get the password from the admins, then a vast majority of the community could play without fear of hacks. Then if someone does hack, it would be easier, I think, to track down.

I got a chance to view the logs on the server my group hosts and calls home last night trying to see who was hacking , we think. Yet, from a layman's point of view that log was anything but easy to make heads or tales out of.

This would stop loot hoping to an extent as many servers would be passworded. Since I assume the hive itself has the needed info, it would also be easy to check on reported admin abuse.

I hear the masses saying, what about new players, well we all know that every server would not be passworded.

Maybe this is not something that would work, but the hacking thing is making legit players blood boil. I am ready to see something done about it, if it is in someones power to try and do something about it.

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I understand that Dayz Mods don't wish for servers to be password protected because then Admins and their friends can run around loot the server dry keep restarting and repeat and ect.

However over the past 2/3 weeks I been playing on some other servers and noticed so many hacked weapons in the game such as Big ammo/gear box on the beach full of weapons and items (Some of which is not even in the dayz database) but on top of that we have these guys who teleport everyone on the server to a closed location they created and make them fight each other. the amount of shit that's going on now days on almost every server is just ridiculous.

It may sound like exaggeration but is not. The regular players on my server are complaining that they farmed all this gear from NWA or other hotspots for hours/days and they lose it in a matter of seconds due to some hacker mass killing or teleporting people. Something needs to be done about this ASAP because I doubt people are going to continue paying to keep their servers alive with these conditions.

Edited by OutlawXGP
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I would just drop the server for now until someone can get this shit sorted out. No point in wasting your money.

I do agree with you, but what is going on with the massive amount of hacking recently, is like in the past few weeks the number of hackers grown in double or even more and they rampaging all over the place.

I did a quick research online and there are so many website actively promoting even selling ***s and trainers and et cetera, as it stands now things are really way out of control.

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Smoke was created by the bad community

The fire was created by hackers

Watching servers fall 1 by 1 until we have 50 servers again and its NOTHING but hacked serves.

Guess what guys!! We get dogs next patch!! Woot

[Edit] is/was

Edited by SilverTrimm

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I wouldn't be surprised if the number of dayz servers start declining if nothing is done about this mass hacking.

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I agree. Me and my friends were raiding a camp when this guy snipes both my friends and I was driving away in the UAZ and he teleports in front of the car after getting away from him and kills me. That really made my blood boil.

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I wouldn't be surprised if the number of dayz servers start declining if nothing is done about this mass hacking.

I've already seen a few posts from admins saying they're shutting down their servers due to the rampant hacking, and I know our server is headed in that direction.

I've given up hoping that they'll ban the hackers more aggressively. They have the standalone version inc, so I doubt they'll devote a lot more time/effort to this free version. Plus I bet some ppl buy the standalone version hoping that there will be less hacking in it.

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since it is going stand alone , he should let us password our servers to keep hackers out. numbers are dropping in multiple servers due to hacking and graphic glitches

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Use some admin tools, Like this. I have used that to catch many teleporting scripters. Also check your script.log, it tells you who has been scripting as well. Some scripts just happen tho like 55 or 54 and I see 27 a lot. But I ban for ones I have seen on hacking websites. So visit some hacking websites to find out what scripts hackers use now a days, so you know what to look for. :P

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Use some admin tools, Like this. I have used that to catch many teleporting scripters. Also check your script.log, it tells you who has been scripting as well. Some scripts just happen tho like 55 or 54 and I see 27 a lot. But I ban for ones I have seen on hacking websites. So visit some hacking websites to find out what scripts hackers use now a days, so you know what to look for. :P

Thank you for the link and the suggestion, over the course of past week i have been banning a number of people that are clearly violating the rules and I'm not taking about the guys who are ALT-F4ing. The problem is that the number of hackers have increased drastically, this could be because DayZ has gotten allot more players or it could be that people have realized just how useless Battle Eye is at the moment.

Either way it is almost impossible to ban every single hacker/Script kid out there for the simple fact that they are just too damn many now days.

Just yesterday we had a few guys together who mass teleported every one to a closed location so they can battle it out for their entertainment, i believe they call this "Thunderdome" or whatever Mad Max reference they want to use. and earlier on the same day we had few UH-1H spawned on the map and dropped on Chernogorsk and few days before that they committed mass murder on the server killing most of my regular players.

Now as i said i try to be there and monitor the log and ban as much as i can but i cant devote my life to sit there every moment and check the logs, and even if you manage to do something like that its impossible to catch and ban all of the hackers.

The real solution to this issue is for BI to step up and do something about this ever growing (GAME BREAKING) problem considering the fact we (The guys who pay for the server) have very little control over what we can do and change. I would love to be able to password protect my server so that my regular players and server community can play with out the risk of getting killed because of hacking/scripting.

I am forced to keep my server off today 8/8/2012 because of issue stated above, again i desperately request urgent attention to a serious problem we have here. Either let us password protect our servers so that our community can play safely or improve battle eye and put an end to this insane mass hacking that going on, otherwise like i said the list of DayZ servers will decline sooner or later simply because no one in there right mind will keep paying/supporting something which is in constant threat. It feels like a waste.

Edited by OutlawXGP

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I just got my server, and would love to be able to password protect my server. To counter act the potential cheating, just make the player create a new character after playing on a pw protected server when logging in a non pw server.

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I would like to kindly request all my regular and none regular players that come on my server to kindly report any suspicious activity on our forums at http://www.fanatix-dayz.tk/

This will at least help me avoid banning players unrightfully and drama on the forums.

Thanks guys

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i agree with everyone on the hacks. I have been adding what I can into my server to safeguard things but this is still not enough. file checking and script checking is a lost cause because of new hacks coming out daily and the artificial aiming...there is no way to catch it threw battle eye. I too am about to drop support for dayz and just go back to hosting normal arma 2 im sick of paying for public servers just to be shit on by hackers and not be able to do anything about it for fear of being black listed because I solved a problem of a few hackers. I could care less how many times i have to start from square one from a legit firefight, thats part of the fun in dayz. but being ported at will on the map to "fight clubs" mass spawn of whatever and then nuking the servers has gotten way out of hand. My newest dayz server I host (us 1054) is only one of 3 public server I host at over 80+ bucks a month for each and all of which have non stop hacker problems anymore. I can see the point of passwords but that would only solve issues in the short run. Rocket and crew need more security for their mod. Once this month comes to an end if nothing has been done I will shut down all my dayz servers an no longer support any more dayz projects. They the devs really need to step up their game when it comes to hacks, or turn over more power to admins or at lest come up with a set of tools to help ban script kiddies because thats all it takes to drop a server to its knees is some 12 year old who can copy past a script.

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i agree with everyone on the hacks. I have been adding what I can into my server to safeguard things but this is still not enough. file checking and script checking is a lost cause because of new hacks coming out daily and the artificial aiming...there is no way to catch it threw battle eye. I too am about to drop support for dayz and just go back to hosting normal arma 2 im sick of paying for public servers just to be shit on by hackers and not be able to do anything about it for fear of being black listed because I solved a problem of a few hackers. I could care less how many times i have to start from square one from a legit firefight, thats part of the fun in dayz. but being ported at will on the map to "fight clubs" mass spawn of whatever and then nuking the servers has gotten way out of hand. My newest dayz server I host (us 1054) is only one of 3 public server I host at over 80+ bucks a month for each and all of which have non stop hacker problems anymore. I can see the point of passwords but that would only solve issues in the short run. Rocket and crew need more security for their mod. Once this month comes to an end if nothing has been done I will shut down all my dayz servers an no longer support any more dayz projects. They the devs really need to step up their game when it comes to hacks, or turn over more power to admins or at lest come up with a set of tools to help ban script kiddies because thats all it takes to drop a server to its knees is some 12 year old who can copy past a script.

I couldn't agree more mate and I truly understand where your coming from. Bottom line of this sad story is that I will remain patient for the remaining time period of my server and if the hacking has not settled down/dealt with in some way then I really got no choice but to no longer keep throwing money at the DayZ servers I host.

I mean they already announced that DayZ is going stand alone and I'm quite certain that it will have far better security against cheating and hacking, however that doesn't change the fact that current DayZ mod is still very active and as you said it would be a shame to let the "12 year old" script kids to win.

Edited by OutlawXGP

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I've swapped mine over to Sanctuary for now. The Anticheat is already better. I know most people don't have a dedicated box and can't do this though.

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THIS IS WHAT I AM DOING WITH MY SERVER WHEN I AM NOT ON IT , I am shutting down my server , my server gets hacked during the day and i play at night. This way the idiot that hacks my server everyday can suck my dick. Game is going standalone anyways quit the bullshit rules and let us password the servers. We pay for the server and hackers destroy it and nothing is done.

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