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Tactical Group - Need 2-4 Players

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Hi all,

Im looking to start a new tactical group as most of the people from my original group have stopped playing.

Im in need of a few people that know how to play Tactical, eg. Scanning, Stealth, Picking the right shot.

You must be 18 or over, from the UK( exceptions can be made), and be an experienced player. Also Skype will be used.

Playing times will vary depending on group, must be able to play atleast 2-3 hours a day though.

PM Me with:


Favoured Style: ( Assault/Recon/Sniper)

Where your from:

Experience in Day Z:

A man with an AK74, bleeding, passed out, ask's for your help, what do you do?:

Look forward to starting this and get the banter and the kills going!

Will also be setting up a Live stream if things go well.

PM Me, Cheers!

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I need 2 more for my sniper team, I'm a from day 1 Dayz player and if you feel you are good enough you can add me on skype @ luburium

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I need 2 more for my sniper team, I'm a from day 1 Dayz player and if you feel you are good enough you can add me on skype @ luburium


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hey man im interested, i like the idea of small groups kicking arse !

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Im also looking for a team it gets boring playing alone... I will be honest I am 13 and I dont have a lot of experience (I'm still good though) and I think playing with others would be really fun and great for learning... If your interested my skype is : Newoblivion547 .

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hey man im interested, i like the idea of small groups kicking arse !

PM Me the App :P

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