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The rising up stranger...

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Hello my dear Community.

Today i am talking about someone... a legend.. you propably allready heard story's about him while sitting at your fireplace with other groups..


... No one knows if he ever existed or still does... people say he is a bloody bandit, who picks random people as his victims... others say he is a life saver.. some also say they have allready met him..

Some guy told me he was last seen at the coastside of the zone..

PEOPLE OF CHERNARUS MY DEAR SURVIVORS listen around to get any informations about him, maybe we will find out more about this stranger.


  'MOUSE said:

Hello my dear Community.

Today i am talking about someone... a legend.. you propably allready heard story's about him while sitting at your fireplace with other groups..


... No one knows if he ever existed or still does... people say he is a bloody bandit' date=' who picks random people as his victims... others say he is a life saver.. some also say they have allready met him..

Some guy told me he was last seen at the coastside of the zone..

PEOPLE OF CHERNARUS MY DEAR SURVIVORS listen around to get any informations about him, maybe we will find out more about this stranger.




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Ahh... Its Mouse. The sneaky, silent little ninja. He has this list. If someone kills him, they get added to his list.

The list probably consists of the thousands of people that play Day Z. I know my guys (the =BTB= guys of EU5) are on it.

Good luck Mouse :)

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LOL, he got me guys, well my 2 "stranger" characters allready got shot so i decided to stop with it, i cant be a stranger if evryone sees me gettin killed :D

well im the friendly mouse again, and i actually don't have the list here anymore...

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