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Friendly mode

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I don't know why people assume that there will be an option for PVE or people to manipulate the experiance/game themselves. The whole point of the game is to expose you to a hostile environment where everything is against you, ie survival. If you look at what Rocket has said he wants this to be the same for everyone and he knows the best way to do this is create central servers, hell he's talked about EVE countless times. A set up like this costs money but he has already raised a shit load of capital with BI through the mod so its there, more money for people buying ALPHA/Beta of stand alone and he'll be able to set up enough infrastructure to support central servers.

You will all be forced to endure the pain that DAYZ is, one central server with un-balanced non linear difficulty. Set standards for tags, view distance, FP/3P, Damage, etc.

You will not be able to escape via AltF4/Disconnect, you will die, you will bitch, and you will come back for more.

Or you will go play some standardized crap that has tried to ride the coat-tails of Dayz, were your doing the same thing over and over again with no risk. If your a good boy you get a cookie and you only have to deal with violence if you choose to.

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I don't see why not. If you don't want to play it you don't have to. Not my thing personally but others may enjoy it.

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I think this could be a good idea, but i think that there would definitely have to be a separate HIVE for the PvP and NON-PvP server, so that there would be different charcter for the different server. But overall i think it would be a waste od time and effort as it taking away and intrinsic part of the game.

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No it wont, it is still open world zombie survival.

what are you trying to "survive" from after players are removed?

oh yay you have finished exploring the map and have all those cool guns

  • Hatchet
  • Canteen
  • Box of Matches
  • Hunting Knife

now find an area far away from towns/cities with a pond or other water source nearby then continue to drink water and eat pig meat


you have survived DayZ


now THATS fun /not

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I am to understand, there is neither really actually PvE OR PvP, as in the mod does not try an label itself as either right? However, it appears to me that alot of this what comes off as rage/anger/sarcasm/boring resulting comments can easily point towards what the greater #'s of "survivors" tend to go..PvP. Instead of even in general just thinking about the idea of a PvE standardized(servers/rules what the heck ever) method for play,then If other bandit/murderers type players can group up, know how they want to play, kill anyone w/o question whether it is for there supplies or just for fun/safety of themselves, then that is no different than the others to wish to be able to survive, explore the rest of the map, find some cool loot(weapons,items,grenades, etc.) Because that is how we have fun, it is fine for this all to mingle and make DayZ what it is, ya, no crap. However, as I read earlier that the idea of PvE is going to ruin the game in general..that is just..I got nothing for that jsut lol. Almost every time I did see someone try and give a positive thought on PvE DayZ it was to enhance the game in a means that will keep allowing the "PvE" people if you will continue on there way of playing. "PvP" players if you will, shoot it down b/c it would make things more boring?(for them/to them). Afterwards it is usually the "PvE" who are cowards,weak, trying to just..make the DayZ world a awful crappy boring place just with the option, or something to clarify that other friendly players want to group up, same as the hostile bandits clanclowns want to do, in order to..what was the point of the game? SURVIVE!!! :D haderpaderp. The only thing I get out of some of those who do oh so hate the mention of PvE, is that they are afraid of this as the real result. Zombie apocalypse, ya there probably realistically could be alot more hostile, unfriendly type of people, but there still will also always be those players that enjoy playing with a different take on things, that is the damn right of anybody who picks up a game and starts playing, drive off the road/off course for shits sake, we are enjoying the game all the same, nothing stops up from it, or there would be that invisible wall or game rule that takes over. Why don't we bring most of this to a close, because it looks like it would only get more brutal from here, what with quote bashing left n right from both sides. I may try and see if I can make my on topic for ideas on how PvE can be emphasized better into the game and what it offers now, and that seems like a perfectly legit way to go about it..for starts at least. This way anyone who prefers to be a friendly, has a better chance to play this way. I probably have not reached or made a lick of sense to much of anyone w/this post, an that is fine. I just would mostly prefer that mostly there would not need to be so much, foulness about merely how a discussion on a topic or a game folds out.

Edit: Lol Bulletproof...Actually I prefer goat meat..but to each there own. You basically just did the same thing, you pointed out what you thought was a boring outcome or aspect that can be put into the game. Again..for god sake that is fine, but it still does not change anything about whether PvE is good or not to be put within the game man.

Edited by Ash_Lee

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what are you trying to "survive" from after players are removed?

oh yay you have finished exploring the map and have all those cool guns

  • Hatchet
  • Canteen
  • Box of Matches
  • Hunting Knife

now find an area far away from towns/cities with a pond or other water source nearby then continue to drink water and eat pig meat


you have survived DayZ


now THATS fun /not

just because you dont understand it, doesnt make it any less viable play style for someone else..

typical narrow minded PVP player here..

"what ?? you dont play like me ??? bah.. go away and play something else.."

bloody typical

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I don't see the problem with a PvE option. If people really want it, have it. It shouldn't have anything less or extra than the normal game (because NO to balancing just for PvE, it's a pain*.) To be honest, I just feel people on those servers are really missing out on the 'meat' of what makes DayZ such a great game to play. Once you're over the "OMG ITS TEH ZOMBIE 'POCALYSPE WHADDA I DO?" (which is great, at first) things boil down a lot more to tactical planning of where and when you want to loot, all to avoid/encounter players (depending on playstyle). Remove PvP, and you lose player options, as well as 95% of the tension DayZ has as a game.

Anyway, I've seen "friendly" servers on the list for awhile now. How they enforce such a thing, I have no clue. As long as any characters that log in there can't be transferred to a proper server, I'm fine with it. I just won't be there.

*I suppose an initial rebalance, MAYBE could be worked out. For example, PvE servers, all zombies have twice the health, or you have a greater chance of being knocked out/status effect'd. BUT really I'd want that to be a global change anyway, because the zombie apocalypse should be a goddamn harsh world to survive in.

Anyway, I've already thrown in slightly more than the 2 cents I planned to, so I'll cut it here before retreading already stated points. This topic is definitely one of the many dead horses being flogged across the forum at current.

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Like I said, they're very close minded and refuse to read the thread. They keep posting things that have nothing to do with the idea and act like people are asking for the complete removal of it from the entire game.

What is asked, is for another option. This is in Alpha, the point of an Alpha test is to submit and add content that can change the game, to experiment with the very idea of the game and find what is the most appealing and fun. Adding in Pve servers is both easy, and could vastly increase the player count come standalone.

$$ Talks. BI is the source behind the standalone and they will without a doubt want to add in options to bring in as many customers as possible. This means they will want to make a softcore version to appeal to casual gamers.

Strategos, I don't think you understand what brings people in. I know I wasn't attracted to the pvp. An Open world Zombie mmo that I could play with friends, is why I came. The pvp is a side effect and not needed for me to enjoy it. I spend very little time having to pvp and a good 90% of my time fighting zombies and looking for loot or repairing vehicles and exploring the map. If there was a pve version on the standalone. I'd still probably play on pvp servers, because if I wanted to pvp. i could, if I don't want to. I won't go to main cities. However there are countless people who no doubt do not want what you want. My nephew likes to watch me play and he doesn't like that other people can shoot you. Now mind you, there are loads of people who like pvp, but there are loads of people who like pve. There is not a single reason at all to not allow both pve and pvp players to enjoy the game. It will only bring in more sales and help the further development of the game.

Quoting rocket means nothing, sorry but if he wants his game to compete with WarZ and Dead linger and class 3. He is going to need to attract as many people as possible and keep them here. No one here is asking for him to create special pve endgame content. Not a single person has asked that in this thread. No one wants special content or different gameplay. Sure, they could create two seperate pbos and allow pve servers to use one and pvp servers to use another. The one for pve servers would have increased zombie damage or what have you. All that would require is to change a few values and name the pbo something else and save it. Wouldn't take more than 15mins probably. So no, it would not cause any problems at all to change the value that sets zombie damage and let the servers "flag" for pvp/pve.

Bohemia Interactive has never been given a f*ck of casual gamers. All the games it has been doing are for hardcore gamers or for people who love simulations anyway, so there is nothing to do.

I bet you (just like many others in this forum) didn't know Arma until you played DayZ.

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I don't see the problem with a PvE option. If people really want it, have it. It shouldn't have anything less or extra than the normal game (because NO to balancing just for PvE, it's a pain*.) To be honest, I just feel people on those servers are really missing out on the 'meat' of what makes DayZ such a great game to play. Once you're over the "OMG ITS TEH ZOMBIE 'POCALYSPE WHADDA I DO?" (which is great, at first) things boil down a lot more to tactical planning of where and when you want to loot, all to avoid/encounter players (depending on playstyle). Remove PvP, and you lose player options, as well as 95% of the tension DayZ has as a game.

Anyway, I've seen "friendly" servers on the list for awhile now. How they enforce such a thing, I have no clue. As long as any characters that log in there can't be transferred to a proper server, I'm fine with it. I just won't be there.

*I suppose an initial rebalance, MAYBE could be worked out. For example, PvE servers, all zombies have twice the health, or you have a greater chance of being knocked out/status effect'd. BUT really I'd want that to be a global change anyway, because the zombie apocalypse should be a goddamn harsh world to survive in.

Anyway, I've already thrown in slightly more than the 2 cents I planned to, so I'll cut it here before retreading already stated points. This topic is definitely one of the many dead horses being flogged across the forum at current.

See bro? There you go, an that is fine man. I keep basically saying as well, that w/o the idea of being on the lookout for "bandits/murderers" plz if you will...I guess I accept a my stereotype too of being a chicken-wuss**Edit**(Even though it works as effectively as it was for the other to just shoot at me..cus its takes such a champ to point there mouse n click at anything right?) or something to that extent apparently lol. What I see though is def. more of everyone just being scared instead, and that is why some shoot first an never bother asking any questions anyway, which leads the whole vicious cycle that brought this topic up to begin with I would figure. I had my share of people I would run into where it was a escape from zombies into a house/barn w/e, worked together to bring down the zombies, simple /salute head nod, trade some beanz n sardines, then part. That also is very exciting and potential results of a world gone mad in a zombie apocoblah. An vice versa, I have of course had my share of random deaths where I just dont even know what happened, or get backstabbed, etc, save a guy from zombies, almost die, an guess I was put out of my misery and relieved of my gear lol. Yes yes all this is very exciting, whether it makes u pissed off, sad, glad, w/e. PvE still would not actually truly get rid of this though, there will always be zombies, and someone who is hostile/just wants to kill you, and ask no Q's. An that also is..just fine. So ya.

Edited by Ash_Lee

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lol "However we are not asking for PvE only servers," yes you are you are asking for some servers that are PVE only.

Jeese you guys are obtuse.

The poll isnt biased, its do you want PVE only content or not. Its not specifically about this thread. I thought it would be interesting to see how people in general feel about Dayz without the danger of PVP.

Is THAT so hard to understand.

Like I said I enjoy a good debate, but you guys really aren't delivering it. So i thought Id take the subject and widen the audience a bit out of interest , not to prove a point for you. Though I did give you the chance to cast your vote.

ps if you use the search button , which the OP obviously didnt before starting this topic AGAIN. You will find lots of people asking for safe zones, so yes people do ask for that.

Edited by Strategos

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what are you trying to "survive" from after players are removed?

oh yay you have finished exploring the map and have all those cool guns

  • Hatchet
  • Canteen
  • Box of Matches
  • Hunting Knife

now find an area far away from towns/cities with a pond or other water source nearby then continue to drink water and eat pig meat


you have survived DayZ


now THATS fun /not

YOU DON'T HAVE TO PLAY PVE, SO WHY DO YOU CARE?! (Had to put in caps to make sure you read it, because it seems like you people don't.)

Jesus why can't you get it through your thick skull that it will not affect PVP players. Who the hell cares if it is boring to you, it isn't to us.

Here is a few reasons why this might be a good idea:

1. More options will interest more people to buy the game. = More $

2. Newbies can learn in a none PVP enviorment with the help of other players. = 90% less angry noob posts on the forums.

3. Makes the other majority of the crowd (PVE) happy. = No more complaining about PVP on forums.

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WHy do you assume that this game is specifically PVP? I haven't seen a lot of balancing done in this regard, this is a sandbox game where PVP and PVE is possible. It doesn't need a special server type for PVE only.

I'm repeating myself, but i believe the point is that you are forced to play along with players that have a different view of the game than you do.

A PVE server is a bad idea not because only PVPers should have their way, but because it's adding an arbitrary ruleset to what was essentially a game with no rules beyond it's game mechanics.

The game is violent because the community as a whole decided to play like this.

It could be different, but it's how it evolved entirely due to players, and that's where it should stay.

Form a larger group that promote friendly play, punish bandits that do not abid to it. But do not ask the developpers to make a special version so you don't have to do anything yourself.

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As much as i hate being sniped or killed by bandits, i dont think DayZ should ever have a PVE mode, it would change the feel of the game completely. Part of this game is the stress you feel when you approach to a major city or a military area and you know there is a big chance of loosing everything.

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There should/hopefully will be only one experiance, everyone will be butt hurt from it

deal or hit the door

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Real simple. Every feature they put in to implement PvE is time they could be spending improving the game as a whole. That's why I care, that's why I don't want the game to have a PvE side. History has shown every single time it has been done in a PvP game, the PvE servers get real popular, and then start dictating the direction of development because they've got to keep the majority of their playerbase happy.Just once, I want to see a game that stays like it is, and doesn't try to please everybody.

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I assume this game is PVP because out of the 100 (estimate) people i have met, I have come across only one friendly person. I can't tell you how many times I have come across a player, saluted him, and typed "friendly, i'll be on my way" and got shot down.

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Real simple. Every feature they put in to implement PvE is time they could be spending improving the game as a whole. That's why I care, that's why I don't want the game to have a PvE side. History has shown every single time it has been done in a PvP game, the PvE servers get real popular, and then start dictating the direction of development because they've got to keep the majority of their playerbase happy.Just once, I want to see a game that stays like it is, and doesn't try to please everybody.

What development would PVE dictate? It is essentially the same game. All they would need to do is up the difficulty of the game. What else would they need to develop for PVE? Seperate characters of PVP/PVE servers? Is it really that hard to put in the game?

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You can't expect people to trust a total stranger armed with a gun that can end their life in one shot. People that advocate for PVE are just trying to kick the game board over, take their toys and go home to play by themselves. If you were advocating for things to make the "Entire" game better like player built structures or specialization, skills, massive in game projects, etc then no one would bitch about it. You are saying you want a whole other game developed, and thats complete shit. I don't play wii sports and then go on the forum and bitch that I can't bash someone's head in with a bowling ball, and that the Dev's better put it in. I instead choose not to play a game that I don't like.

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I'm not saying "the devs better put it in". I'm saying it would be nice if I had an option to play cooperatively with other players. I'll ask again, how is this a completely different game? Friendly fire: [On] [Off].

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What development would PVE dictate? It is essentially the same game. All they would need to do is up the difficulty of the game. What else would they need to develop for PVE? Seperate characters of PVP/PVE servers? Is it really that hard to put in the game?

Let's see, off the cuff:

-Separate hives. not a big deal, just more expensive to run.

-'Upping the difficulty' whatever that means, now they've got to spend the time balancing for PvE and PvP both. This is exactly what I'm talking about. What they could've done once, they've got to do twice now. It's practically designing two separate games.

-Mechanics that go along with PvE, stuff like not being able to loot other peoples' kills, the ability to trade with people without having to worry about somebody else stealing what you've put down, things of that nature that don't apply in a PvP situation because you can effectively deal with thieves yourself.

-More stuff to do in the world, because I don't care what you guys that are arguing for it say, after most people have geared themselves up fully within a week, they're going to get bored and want the game to supply them with something to do.

Edited by Wiley

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Forgot to address some of the others things you had said.

If I salute you and say "Friendly, i'll be on my way" and start to run away is that a stranger trusting me with his life?

Also I like DayZ, and I like PVP (a little). BUT I do think that people that are looking for a adventure should have the option to do so.

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If people want to play PvE without worrying about some random guy sniping them while they're looting, why not? Way I see it, as long as these are separate HIVEs so people can't just loot everything in PvE and then switch to PvP and kill everyone, people should be able to play safe from others if they want. Not to mention, this resembles almost a tutorial mode for the game where new players can learn how zombie mechanics work and how to at least get started on the game before moving on the the actual game.

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Upping the difficulty: Put twice as many zombies in the game. Since I only know Game maker code, I couldn't tell you how the code would look. I imagine it is not to complicated.

Not being able to loot other peoples kills huh? What are they killing? Zombies. And what do zombies usually carry? Shotgun ammo and tin cans. As for military zombies, G17 mag, and possibly an AK mag. Not that big of a deal considering that players would already be saving ammo by not killing other players.

I can see PVE as a stepping stone to PVP. Newbies learn everything they need to in PVE (or PVP if they choose). Everyone else can get their desire to play coop, and move on to PVP . I'll admit, it probably would get boring not having to worry about bandits, just move on to pvp. This will add more play value in the game.

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Not being able to loot other peoples kills huh? What are they killing? Zombies. And what do zombies usually carry? Shotgun ammo and tin cans. As for military zombies, G17 mag, and possibly an AK mag. Not that big of a deal considering that players would already be saving ammo by not killing other players.

The reason most people want PvE is they don't want anything bad to happen to their character that's beyond their control. That is something bad happening to their character that's beyond their control. It must be removed from the game.Whatever you reckon. As it has gone with every other time pure PvE has been added to a PvP game, 'Oh, it's just a switch!' 'It's more choice, and choice is good!' 'It won't destroy the game this time, really!'

As to upping the difficulty, whatever they do, it will need to be tweaked for both sides individually or one side will have issues of some kind. Like I say, any way you cut it, any change they make has to be considered from a PvE and a PvP standpoint.

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Real simple. Every feature they put in to implement PvE is time they could be spending improving the game as a whole. That's why I care, that's why I don't want the game to have a PvE side. History has shown every single time it has been done in a PvP game, the PvE servers get real popular, and then start dictating the direction of development because they've got to keep the majority of their playerbase happy.Just once, I want to see a game that stays like it is, and doesn't try to please everybody.

so really your saying, "just once i want to see a retail company develop a game, and purposely try to loss more money by appealing only to the smallest possible market as possible"..

frree MOD, totaly understand the dev. thinking like this, but when you switch to a retail product that some actual Game studio is fronting the costs for. sorry, just dont think that has a snowballs chance in hell of becoming what happens here..

BI took this on, cuz they opbviously see the potential for this game to be huge, not to risk hoping it sells a few thousand copies to the ultra hardcore PVP crowd

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