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Friendly mode

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The amount of closed minded people in this thread is jaw dropping.

"NO pve would ruin the game!!!". Ok, then don't play on a pve server. Problem solved. Let the players decide how they want to play. It would not "Double the workload". All you'd have to do is add in the ability to let the servers flag for pvp or not. Its simple.... You would not be developing two separate games and having to modify each mode differently. You make the same exact game, some time down the road add in an ability to increase zombie damage or speed, run indoors...e ct. That can be pve. It doesn't double anything.

Stop forcing people to play the way you want, there are over 1 million unique players and do you honestly think that wouldn't be able to find people to fight against? Stop forcing your gameplay down others throats.

If there was pve, you don't have to play it. So it doesn't effect you at all.

Uhg... Idiots!

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"Uhg... Idiots! "

​I posit that you are the idiot, read Rockets opinions on all this. There are plenty of games out there that people can play for PVE experiences, this isn't one of them. The harsh nature of the game is fundamental.

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You do realize that the personal opinion of the Dev lead isn't set in stone right?

When an option and idea are presented to a gaming company, it is run through a series of people. If the gaming company want something, regardless what Rocket wants, it will happen. They can have two completely different opinions but the actual outcome is dependent on who is the one paying for the game.

So, if enough people ask for it. It can and possibly will happen.

"Uhg... idiots!".

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I hear people saying "NO" to this. Well, you people wouldn't have to play this mode, as it's optional.

Some of you say, "It would be boring". Well, just don't play the mode, then. For all the others, it would be a boon - especially for noobs wanting to get to know mechanics before leaving the game because the learning curve is too steep.

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Keep in mind that this mod has been widely praised for its innovative design elements. It's like one of the main features, that made great this mod, is suddenly removed. It wouldn't be DayZ anymore.

Arma 2 is not intended to be played by everyone, so this mod too. Finally we have an original project, so we don't want this to be wasted.

Do you want PvE? Go play with Unreal Tournament or Left 4 Dead.

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No I think you'll find Rocket is in the driving seat on this one, thank god.

when it was a free mod yes.. agreed..

but now that its headed for a primetime retail release.. i think you'll find hes no longer the final link in the chain of command..

NO business goes out to release a product that appeals to a smaller market then it could..

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As it could be a server's choice, people screaming against the idea should considere they would not be obliged to play on a PvE server...

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PVP is a huge part of the game and is here to stay. this is DayZ whether you like it or not.

ummm news flash, NO ONE is saying to take PVP out of the game for everyone..

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I hear people saying "NO" to this. Well, you people wouldn't have to play this mode, as it's optional.

Some of you say, "It would be boring". Well, just don't play the mode, then. For all the others, it would be a boon - especially for noobs wanting to get to know mechanics before leaving the game because the learning curve is too steep.

No joke there, I like when this topic comes up it seems very one sided to me, so I have to play something else, while b/c I play a certain way with other means of having fun that it is not the right way to play, and its boring,dumb, etc.

Seriously though, I would not mind this mode, and there are plenty of ways for it to co-exist with the precious shoot others mode. Hey guess what? They also got games just for that too yknow? I notice that anyone who wants to play friendly, gets maced and smacked by anyone who would disagree. It is a fact that this game is only playable or fun in PVE style..opinion. It is a fact that this game will go boring, just b/c I cant shoot at other players running along doing there thing...also opinion..or I would be enjoying this myself, along with many other players(who probably also really do not enjoy it).

Maybe I just need to look around more for a juicy argument that does, that would just be a form of trolling tho yes? So I read also that apparently having a PVE server/mode is going to be boring? So this being the opinion of someone who prefers the PVP so they can shoot/kill or make there claaanz for someone they r already buddies with or have a forum you go...apply to or w/e the case is. That is fine, however that does not mean in the least that something so much as a PVE style is a bad idea, dont shut things down b/c it does not sit well with you, sounds way more than enough when the kill or dont kill in DayZ topic comes up it goes something like this. "Oh hey, what about those who just dont wanna kill other players? We can team up n kill some zombiies! Get more beans n sardines!" "No way, ur a idiot, thats not how in works here, this is seriously, and unless ur ace sshot with that there clicker mouse ur useless, go play something else noob/freak/gayball/butter,beans." or something like that, someone will probably think by reading this post, I'm angry, or who knows, its always excuses, all Im trying to do truly here is be fair and reasonable in that PVE is a perfectly okay idea to have in the game, standalone, or the beta, others can tell PVE lovers to get over it/man up<---(lol its just a game btw so saying that would just be....ugh), or go play something else. If you get rush or jolly from killing other people on the spot, whether they see you or not, then fine, if you dont, and prefer to claim friendly and work together or run for your dear..17th life or so, fine. Can we not all just get along?..on a PVE server? B)

Just remember anyone who is about to have there head explode, or have themselves a twit-fit, just know I have no angry/harsh intention or thoughts to anyone who may be described in my post here. If you need to quote something I said, b/c perhaps you misunderstood something, which can be common on a internet forum since you cannot hear my tone or how I explain something. Just got to take pretty much everything here with a grain of salt, and beans. :beans:

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Idle curiosity... You PvE guys keep saying there are all kinds of other hardcore open PvP games. Where is there another open PvP game even remotely close to this one? Completely open, not faction-based.

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Idle curiosity... You PvE guys keep saying there are all kinds of other hardcore open PvP games. Where is there another open PvP game even remotely close to this one? Completely open, not faction-based.

DayZ, that is one... no one is asking for a conversion to a completly PVE game were PVP is no longer a viable option..

what we are asking for is a server setting that disables PVP, not transition the entire game community into PVE..

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You still haven't addressed the gigantic mountain of historical evidence for every online game that ever went from PvP mandatory to PvP optional causing legions of issues with balancing things for one side or the other.

That, coupled with the fact that they would have to create way more content for people to have something to do, because once people have everything and the Z's are no longer a threat, very very few of them will not want the game to supply them with something else to do. You don't have that problem with the other players supplying the 'content'.

All I've heard to counter that is, 'Oh, it'll be different this time.' ...Right.

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Should be such option, someone who pay for server could ad such function like today are set third person or kill msg. Or diffrences between veteran and regular. If you dont want such server dont play on such and move to normal full PvP with style you like.

Edited by Dalegor Dobrutro

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You still haven't addressed the gigantic mountain of historical evidence for every online game that ever went from PvP mandatory to PvP optional causing legions of issues with balancing things for one side or the other.

That, coupled with the fact that they would have to create way more content for people to have something to do, because once people have everything and the Z's are no longer a threat, very very few of them will not want the game to supply them with something else to do. You don't have that problem with the other players supplying the 'content'.

All I've heard to counter that is, 'Oh, it'll be different this time.' ...Right.

i guess we just disagree at heart on this issue, and thats fine

personaly i dont expect Rocket or those who are in command of the DayZ standalone to supply ANY extra content on a PVE server vs the PVP version.. this is still first and formost a standalone sandbox.. you are EXPECTED to come up with your own fun similar to EVE online,..

there are no raid dungeons to sign up for here, nor should there be..

if you cant visualize how a PVE player comes up with things to do, thats ok, we dont expect you to..

just try to understand that we are capable of it..

ive been playing for weeks, and seen maybe 2% of the map so far..im in no rush to get the best gear and sit ina treetop and wait for "content" to pass me by kkthxbye !!!

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At the risk of repeating myself, how about for a change we leave the burger king "have it your way" mentality? Games, like movies, books and paintings are pieces of art before being a way to milk you of your hard earned cash.

Just let the devs do what they envision, this is not a collective project, we make SUGGESTIONS, not demands. Just because the community want something, doesn't mean it will be, that's bullshit consumerism mentality.

"Baawww i want an icecream mommie"

"No, you eat your fucking vegetables and you stop crying."

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No because it breaks my immersion. I can't believe that the only survivors in a zombie apocolypse would be the pussies that are afraid of other players.

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No because it breaks my immersion. I can't believe that the only survivors in a zombie apocolypse would be the pussies that are afraid of other players.

It would be an option. You don't have to play PVE you can play PVP if you want so it wont break your immersion.

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@Kyrah: The problem is, that is the way gaming has been for years. People build games to make money. They see they can make a LOT more money by catering to the casual, PvE, never have anything bad happen to my character style of gameplay. I'm really getting a kick out of Rocket pretty much saying, 'This is how it is.'

I'm really curious to see if that tune stays the same through release. I really hope it does, for a change. If it does, people will bleat on and on about how much better WarZ did commercially but dammit, at least DayZ will have done something the others wouldn't do.

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No because it breaks my immersion. I can't believe that the only survivors in a zombie apocolypse would be the pussies that are afraid of other players.

And I dont belive that in zombie apocalypse people afraid each other and not common enemy. In group is power, and always people try to reach in grouping to survive hard times. For now game bandits is like, find good weapon spawn, relog on few servers to harvest stuff, go to shore and shoot rookies. So what with reality have this? :P

Option should be, who own his server he set his options. Same like it is with veteran and regular. On regular gameplay is more carebear than on veteran, and nobody complain.

Edited by Dalegor Dobrutro

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The argument "Well you just don't have to play on PvE servers, it's optional!" is bogus. As I've stated earlier in this thread, and has others have pointed out, isn't it painfully obvious that PvE wouldn't/couldn't be a simple "lol pvp flag off!" mode? The game wouldn't work AT ALL with such a simple toggle. Everyone would hit end-game gear their first day in game, get bored, and quit. The game's difficulity would have to be tweaked in PvE mode and the mechanics behave differently to make it challenging and fun without the PvP element. This means you fork the game into 2 unique games, doubling development time and halving development resources. This is why we're so vehemently against a PvE mode. Go play a different game if you want PvE.

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I don't see why people get so butthurt over this topic. If it affects you in no way, who cares? We like the coop aspect of this game, so what, get over it. Have a PVE character and a PVP character, problem solved. No one forces you to join a PVE server. Creating a game that appeals to multiple types of people will attract more customers, period. Business wise, this wouldn't be a bad idea.

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Even on PvE people can be killed, just shoot in middle of Elektro. Or lure huge group of zombies against survivors group. So dont say it will be pice of cake, will show up other forms of "jerking" around, like today is sniping anything that move even if its unarmed rookie.

Edited by Dalegor Dobrutro

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It would be an option. You don't have to play PVE you can play PVP if you want so it wont break your immersion.

How about we all play the same game for a change, instead of scattering around withall the:

  • I (do not) want 3rd person.
  • I (do not want) want nametags.
  • I (do not want) want pvp.
  • I want fast zombies.
  • I want slow zombies.

Here they only serve it with pickles, tabasco AND special saus.

Edited by Lady Kyrah

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