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European survivors clans/big groups?

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Are there any survivors large groups on European servers? I am Russian - my ping on U.S. servers is huge. So I can not join the Legion. The question is - is there a strong groups on european servers, or do we have here only a single easy prey?

I am a scavenger. I'm not very fond of shooting, but I do well with finding some interesting things.

Существуют ли большие объединения выживших на европейских серверах? Я русский - мой пинг на американских серверах огромен. Поэтому я не могу вступить в Легион. Напрашивается вопрос - существуют ли сильные объединения на европейских серверах или у нас тут только одиночки являющиеся лёгкой добычей?

Я собиратель. Я не очень люблю перестрелки, но зато хорошо нахожу интересные вещи.

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Hi, we're The BSB Survivors (part of the multi-gaming clan The BSB Network - www.bsbnetwork.com)

We're presently in theprocess of setting up our group with around 5-10 members currently playing this mod. We have our own TS3 server and website to co-ordiante and obviously already have a trusting and organised team of people (as we all play together on diffrent games).

You're welcome to join us with us. Just visit our website and get on our TS server. It's a good idea to make a post on our forum with your game times etc Like I said we're actually in the process of establishing our Dayz team and organisation so now is a good time to get on board to help establish this campaign in our clan.

Hope to catch you online soon

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Get yourself onour TS server and forum mate to co-ordiante. www.bsbnetwork.com - all our info is there, we have a Day Z board on our forum (sub board of ARMA 2)

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