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What would you like to see in the stand alone?

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Just had an idea that I'd like to add and about blew my wad.

Currently we have helicopters, which are, I dare say, out of place. But I understand, it's already modeled and coded, etc.... But the idea of flight is incredible. There should be suitcase storable hang gliders. They are rare, and take up a lot of room, can only carry one person, and you can't shoot from them. But they are quiet and portable in your bag (if you make room).

Furthermore, if you find three wheels, a seat (or two), and a lawnmower engine + fuel, you can upgrade it to an ultralight which is faster and can land and take off from short and flat fields or roads (hangglider would require a certain incline free of trees). As an ultralight, it would no longer be storable as an item. The pilot can also shoot one-handed weapons, the passenger could shoot any weapon, or drop supplies, or whatever.

Sounds pretty bad ass to me.

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Once killed you have the option of a: respawning back on the coast to start over or b: rising from the grave as a zombie indistinguishable from all the other undead.

As a player controlled zombie (3rd person view disabled) with your very own stats tracker (humans ate/attacked/killed) you have the ability to sprint at other players which draws other zombies to you, in order to stop zombie players chasing noobs all over the map they would need to have a run timer after which they would revert to a walk.

Imagine slowly making your way from point to point avoiding the undead but unbeknownst to you a player controlled zombie spotted you and he’s decided to just amble about with the horde letting you get into position, once he’s manoeuvred himself into position he instantly runs screaming straight to you from the middle of the horde, not only would this scare the absolute shite out of me but would add an extra element to dealing with zombies i.e. is there a smart zombie in the middle of that group.

Edited by RJ Macready

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I'd like a realtime animation engine so zeds and players never move the same and bump into each other. Also a radiosity engine to reflect light of all surfaces. Sewers in towns, even secret passages to the old church from the pub would be cool. AI army (at least 1 squadron now and again moving across the map). Actually seeing helicopters crash or even the odd plane. Psychosis through too many murders. (maybe get flashbacks or start talking to yourself). Zombies to hear direct chat, be thrown out of windows, and be dismembered. NPC hermits, gang leaders, families. Zombie kids (yeah controversial lol). Family pets left in residences (imagine a parrot alerting the horde to you). Suicides past or present (they just cant take the heat). Ability to go all A-Team and mount guns on vehicles, even on an Austin Mini. 2 man push cart trains, scooters, Bushcraft. Booby-traps on tents. Tripwires to give another use to empty cans. Knifes on poles for stabbing heads from above. Petrol bombs with chlorine tablets in, Fertilizer bombs,. Acid tanks. Let the blue generators charge my android phone. Day-Glo slippers, rasta hats, and most definitely Facemapping. If any of that make it in ill be a happy chappy.

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The thing with me; realism. As far as possible. And sorry if these have been mentioned, didnt have time to read through.

Thing #1a: The slotspace-based inventory should be ditched completely. Instead, base it on actual weight/size of items in relation to what an 'average' or maybe 'just above average' adult human being can carry. (I.E. you dont carry 2 car wheels, a sniper rifle and fuckin' whatnot at the same time, atleast without slowing your movement speed to a crawl) Also, all items and gear (that are not in your backpack) should be visible.

Thing #1b: Pockets (in clothing) and belts and backpacks. Pretty self-explanatory. You can place your items in like IRL. (dependent on the clothing you have)

Thing #1c: If you are carrying a car wheel around, you sure as hell ain't firing a rifle at the same time, at least not too accurately. Maybe a quick-drop-switch mechanic for such a situation.

Thing #2: The weight/stamina system, closely related to previous. The more you're packing, the slower you get/the less you can run at a time. (in short)

Thing #3: Wind effects (to bullets). And obviously a way to measure/estimate it. (a rare device or the 'wet finger', maybe)

Thing #4: Wandering hordes. Copy/pasting from a previous post of mine: (This is a quick version) A few, lets say 2-5, persistent, HUGE hordes, around 20-100 (depending on what can be done, engine-wise) roaming all of Chernarus, perhaps in random patterns, perhaps in a pre-determined pattern from town to town.

-these should move medium fast, be loud and god forbid, if they catch your scent when you're alone, you are pretty much fucked. so hide your ass or be armed to the last of your teeth.

Thing #5: Random Zeds and/or packs of them outside of the cities.

Thing #6: The ability to restore the broken infrastructure (I know generators at least have been mentioned, but I mean large scale, like power grids across the country/transport and such, which would take a loooong-ass time)

That is all for now, I gotta get some sleep. :D

:edit: Crap, I almost forgot the most important part, so:

Thing #7: Duct Tape. Need I say more?

-Install a flashlight to a random rifle? Duct-tape a gun on a tree-trunk for 'safe'-keeping? Strap a satchel-charge on a chicken, then scare it, and wait for it to run up Sniper Hill and watch the fireworks?

-What CAN'T you do with a roll of duct tape?



Edited by Sir Diealot

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Sorry if i copy any previous ideas I've only read a few topics and such . I think we are a collective thought process anyways so plagiarism shouldn't be condemned....

Anyways ....

+ENDURANCE SYSTEM : No more Sprinting across a 200 km map , New spawns can only run for a certain distance before fatigued, After consistent running or swimming you gain more endurance , you condition your character every step you take , Let's say when you first spawned you could sprint for a minute before fatiguing now after a day of jogging you can sprint for 2 minutes . A mechanic like this in the game will have a really interesting effect . Your surroundings will mean more , that mountain will be an effort to hike over , NWAF doesn't seem so reachable anymore , you will have to plan more because you have limited movement capability , everything will be more rewarding because it took you twice the time and effort and planning to obtain or get to it . Inclines have a greater effect on your stamina. I'd like this mechanic to be realistic of course ( being able to run for quite awhile after days of exercise ) Also being chased by an infected or shot at by a player should raise your stamina for a short time when your body would give you that adrenaline rush to fight or flight .

+HUNTING AND GATHERING: Those fields you find around Stary Sobor and other places should be usable . Find some carrot seeds in the farm house . Till the field - Plant the seeds - water them - Carrots . After a while of course . Days , weeks or even months if we are being hardcore about this .

-Apple trees , berry bushes (some are poisonous) , mushrooms ( again some are poisonous , and yet some are hallucinogenic as well :P)

-Wildlife =Deer , Rabbit , Birds , Fish , Boar , Cows , Pigs , Cats , Dogs , Snakes , Moosei , Bears , Wolf's , etc

-Animals need to be more realistic and flee if you get to close to them or hear gunshots , also they should be in their habitats , and infected should be attracted to them just as they are to survivors possibly .

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I would like to be able to spawn fairly close to a group member. I am not a huge fan of running simulators :P

Maybe if the group member is dead then you would spawn in a default spawn location and have to find each other again. If you die and your friend is alive then you spawn a couple of miles from his/her location. You still are disoriented, but you know your friend is not too far away.

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Alright then, here is My Wishlist:

  • More broken vehicles, less vehicle parts, scarce fuel
  • Less high powered/military weapons, more "around the house" type weapons (though still difficult to find - hello apocalypse) + degradation + scarce ammo.
  • Searchable/lootable items inside buildings: chests, wardrobes, desks, nightstands, safes... you know like at some point in the not too distant past people actually lived in these places.
  • I like the idea of underground building but I would like to see this underground be an actual place - like a subway and sewer system. Underground tunnels and stations, rather than just some empty instance you load into and create a base in. Example: You drop through a manhole and make your way through the tunnels to your base entrance (instance).
  • With the creating of bases, I'd love to see the inclusion of being able to create amenities such as electricity - to light/heat/arm said bases.
  • Stamina/Endurance/Agility/Dexterity(aim) directly related to and affected by hydration/fed/temperature/health level.
  • Animals - dangerous wildlife.
  • Infected population independent of players. It's too much of a giveaway: zambies here means player here.
  • The diary.
  • Enterable tents: out in the wilderness, have my tent in my pack, starts raining. I'd like to be able to set my tent up and climb inside to get out of the rain.
  • "Friend" identification. If I'm looking at my team mate "Joe", I'd like to be able to tell that it's "Joe" and not the other random guy that has the exact same skin/equipment who just happened to come around the corner. Maybe some sort of customizable clothing flag - armband, hat decal, bandana... something.

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Maybe it has already been stated, but weapon jaming might be interesting, if the RV engine can handle it.

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Just wanted to know of anyone that posted here had heard any new-news about standalone features; or maybe even something really cool suggested elsewhere that they thought might make it into the game?

There where a lot of suggestions made after I left for a while! I'll update the OP tonight (regardless of whether or not anyone cares) to include this stuff.

Edited by NovaDose

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Different kind of melee weapons, like in Dead Island, expect a little more unique weapons.

For example:

A big fire axe wielded by two hands, devastating strikes, swing comes from upper direction. (Something like the current hatchet, but slower recovery, because the axe weights a lot)

1 body shot to kill a zombie.

A small hatchet, causes pain and bleeding in one hit, the damage itself isn't as good as the old hatchet, but the swings are faster. Swing comes from horizontal direction.

2-3 body shots to kill a zombie.

A claw hammer/other short light weapon. Causes the opponent's screen shake when he gets hit (Only effective in PvP), takes a few more hits to cause bleeding/death, but will break your bones effectively. Will cause unconsciousness and bleeding in one hit if hit in the head.

Strike comes straight forward as a "punch", not a swing.

4-5 body shots to kill a zombie.

A machete/other "sword" type weapon. Causes bleeding in one hit, swing is horizontal, hatchet style. It's a pretty fast melee weapon, but doesn't cause massive damage, since it makes good cuts, but not huge open wounds like the hatchet.

3 body shots to kill a zombie.

A sledgehammer/other very heavy blunt weapon, causes the "screen shake" and unconsciousness in one body shot, takes 2 hits to kill and one headshot to kill. Swing comes from upper direction, but it isn't a very light weapon to handle, so swinging and the recovery use a lot of stamina and take a little longer than the fire axe.

1 body shot to kill a zombie.

Just some more complicated melee suggestions, the direction of the swing is pretty important in my suggestion, since a horizontal swing will hit anything that gets in the way, while a directional swing will require you to point the crosshair at the place you want to hit.

Edited by Sutinen

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Nothing fancy or intricate, just basic military helmet, armor plates or vest. This would only have a negate a percentage of bullet damage, but should still knock you down or unconscious. Perhaps they could be as rare as an AS50 or something, to ensure they are valuable and it doesn't turn into an arcade shooter.

What about different clothing providing armor? If I found a leather jacket, the bites and scrapes from zombies would be negated to a certain degree. What if I found bike armor?

What if certain shoes provided different benefits? Running shoes allowed faster running over boots..?

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I'd like to see special perks depending on your play style. So if you're a bandit, you've this option to apply vaseline on butthurt after every kill.

If you're a moral consequentialist though, you could instead activate the St. Michael's grace debuff on those who've heal you, and grant them levitation

Edited by Itsnotcrazyuntilchachacha

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