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Invisible players

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I'm relatively new to the game and just died to a guy I couldn't see.

I was at that big airstrip with the hangers and I was prone in the grass with a ghillie. There where 3 maybe more vehicles on the runway and I was waiting to see who owned them. I figured it would be a big group but there was no one around. Suddenly I hear panting next to me. I turn and the grass is flattening as if someone is crawling through it but I can't see anyone. The thing keeps on coming till its right next to me and then stops. I still can't see one but can here the player panting right next to me. I wait for a while and when it moves again I start to shoot. It shoots back and I get killed.

So, when you are prone in the grass are you invisible? The fact that he didn't shoot until I started made me think perhaps he couldn't see me either. Then I thought, with all the abandoned vehicles, he might be a hacker just having some fun with me.

Sorry if it's a bit of a stupid question.

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More than likely a hacker, I had a friend who got turned into a Cow by an invisible hacker before.

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sounds are too loud in this game, you will think someone is right next to you, while he's still like 5 meter away.

if you move, you also flatten the grass infront of you, it can look like as if some invisible person ahead does it.

also, flattened grass will raise again after a while.

if you and someone else both are prone in the grass, you can't see each other.

but you can hear where the other guy's shots are coming from.

perfect example that not everything that looks fishy must be a cheat.

Edited by Azrail

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So you are invisible when in the grass? I wasn't moving at all just watching this guy make his way towards me.

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sounds are too loud in this game, you will think someone is right next to you, while he's still like 5 meter away.

if you move, you also flatten the grass infront of you, it can look like as if some invisible person ahead does it.

also, flattened grass will raise again after a while.

if you and someone else both are prone in the grass, you can't see each other.

but you can hear where the other guy's shots are coming from.

perfect example that not everything that looks fishy must be a cheat.

He's right about the sounds being loud and stuff. But you described a hacker, especially with the 3 vehicles sitting not far away...

Not sure what he means by being invisible if 2 players are prone. Not really true. Harder to see them in 1st person view, but nowhere near invisible.

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The other day i was going to meet with a friend. In theory, he had to be running ahead group of zombies in front of me, but i couldn't see him, only the zeds. I quit the game and returned, and the problem was fixed, but never happened to me your situation.

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But you described a hacker, especially with the 3 vehicles sitting not far away...

so if i happen to have 3 vehicles on the airfield, im a hacker?

i think we once had a bus and a bike there at the same time, is that close enough?

Harder to see them in 1st person view, but nowhere near invisible.

Of course it depends on the terrain/vegetation. if both go prone right on the airfield they will NOT be hidden.

Sometimes... common sense...

Edited by Azrail

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I believe that I have encountered two invisible people before (on seperate occasions). The first time I'm not all that sure and didn't want to jump directly to that conclusion.

The second time however was very obvious: My brother was killed right beside me as I saw the smoke from the attackers gun in mid air (we never fired a shot and there was nothing obstructing my view of my brother). The attacker then turned his attention on my other brother who was shot once before we realized what was happening and ran off before disconnecting.

After this happened I did a little reasearch on this forum and on the internet and it appears that this type of thing has happened a few times, but what I can't tell is if this is a hack or something to do with incompatible patch versions. Either way it sucks.

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