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SE 20 Shoot-off

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Just logged in on SE 20 and spawned outside stary where I left of the other day. 5 seconds later I look to the left and to my surprise I see my first helicopter crash site. I crawled as always, being very carefull. When I got a clearer view of the helicopter I saw a guy there with a ghillie suit, although he was at the other side of the helicopter so I only saw his legs! After thinking for a few secs what to do, I decided to fire some shots at him with my M4A1 CCO. But I couldn't hit him because of the helictoper :(

He then started to panic and ran away, so I took cover because he had a sniper and I didn't have a clear shot at him. And to my surprise, he had a parked car behind the helicopter! And he had another friend with him, also with ghillie suit and a AS50 sniper rifle! So I went forward and took cover behind the helicopter, and scouted for them. After a while, I saw one of them, lying by the tree line, maybe 150 meters away. So I aimed for his head and shot him about 4-5 times until I saw on my debug-minitor: "Murders: 1". I knew he had another friend with him, so i didn't ran up to him. Instead I went around the place (they were up a small hill, so the other guy didn't have a clear view of me, nor did I of him) When I was about 200m behind of the guy I just killed, I saw the other one in a tree-line maybe 30-50 meters from the other dead guy) My heart was beating faster and faster, I ran up to him from behind to get a clear shot. I shot him about 3 times and he was dead. I couldn't believe it. So I ran up to him and started to loot him (I didn't have a ghillie suit, and I couldn't take his either :/ ). He had a AS50, rangefinder, nightvision goggles, everything I could've asked for. Also he had the same gun as me (m4a1 CCO) but it was silienced, so I took that one as well. Morphine, GPS, blood bags, epi-pen and so on. After a few sec of looting, I heard sniper shots at me, also from a AS50, so I ran in different directions trying to avoid the shots, and I was lucky he was a terrible sniper. So I lay down in the grass for a while, and heard that he took the car and drove away, so now I was safe. Well, that's what I hoped at least. I went to loot the other guy, which had about the same items, except for a sniper that I couldn't recall it's name. But it had in-built nightvision on, and if I turned on my nightvision again (N) I had a red scope instead. But I didn't loot it. So there I was (still am) just outside of stary, beside a helicopter crash which has a FAL in it, and are fully geared, no slots left and 12k blood...




Edited by Jeppzore

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