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bogroll (DayZ)

Reducing sound of footsteps with Arma engine.

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Just got a nice headset. The environmental sounds and gunfire are great. However the improved quality means the footsteps when moving/running are truly irritating. I'd like to lower the sound (that I hear) a bit.

I could tweak the EQ but of course that messes with the overall sound, however I read on the BI forums that indeed it is possible:

If you want to modify how loud they sound like in game, as in how far they can be heard, you don't edit the sound files themselves but the config definitions. If you open the main config and go to class Man under CfgVehicles, you should find the section for sound definitions: class SoundEnvironExt. In there you should see a list of different sounds for different surfaces. Here's an example:


The bolded part defines how loud the sounds are. Try playing around with it to get the results you want.

Where is the main config? I tried looking for it to find these values however there's a lot of files for Arma.

Many thanks for any replies.

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