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Ironman UK

Anybody else love the temperature?

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I hear ALOT of people complaining about it but I think it's awesome!

Me and two buddies were in the woods and we were getting cold so we set up a fire, it was also night time. We we're scared somebody would see the flames so we put it in a descrete location. We had our guns at the ready as we were getting warm, when all of a sudden I got headshotted by a silenced gun. Somebody was laying in the woods with a silenced gun.

I didn't care that I died, I thought it was awesome, and my friends on skype at that point were scared senseless.

I think the temperature system creates some great moments!

Good job Rocket & team!

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I also like the temperature mechanic, but I think it needs some balancing. Today I was playing with my brother and we were getting cold, so we set up a fire in the woods. However, it was too late, my brother started coughing when I was setting up the fire, now I don't want to get to close to him since it is contagious and I don't want to get infected :)

The only problem right now is finding pieces of wood sometimes, but that will be fixed once they add the hatchet. Also I think it drops too fast, and you should gain some temperature when running but I don't see that happening at night, maybe only slightly slowing it down, but it just keeps dropping no matter what (apart from lighting up a fire), sometimes even inside buildings.

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I agree it does have some balancing problems but overall its awesome:)

I always make sure I have one piece of wood in my bag at all times for emergencies:P

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My problem is that I have no idea where to find wood OR matches. Should have a flint or something to make fires. I mean, it's not like a survivor would only carry matches.. they get wet etc.

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It's good, and once the means to manage your temperature are better worked on, it'll be great.

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right now wood you can find generally in barns, until they add a hatchet that is. matches it is a safe bet you will find them in a supermarket somewhere.

Yes, it needs some refinement indeed, but it is a nice idea, it forces you to light a fire once in a while and be exposed while doing so. I generally try to have some raw meat before lighting up, seems more efficient that way, two birds with one stone and all that

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I didn't like it at all the first few days, but I had a really good experience with it last night:

In very short resume

Starting from scratch at he beach in darkness and heavy rain, seeking shelter to stabilise temp. Waited for a break in the rain to go look for matches. Found a random survivor who was freezing more than me and we went from house to house looking for some fire. Luckily I had a friend come to the beach to rescue us with a warm cozy fire after 30 minutes of moving from shelter to shelter at critical temperature - we survived!

Rest of the night the rain was on and off and had no problems keeping temperature up while moving.

So far I think it's a really nice addition and a interesting feature to the whole survival aspect. I just wish it wouldn't rain as much.

It CAN lock you in place for quite a while if the weather is against you but that's a reasonable trade-off for a essential feature to dayZ.

The whole wood issue is discussed elsewhere, I think that's where the adjustments should be focused.

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