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Looking to start up a base.

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Hey, i'm just looking for a trust-worthy team mate or 2 to start a small base and play with. The base will hold important equipment/weapons.

Join the ventrilo: johnsteel.darkstarvent.com port: 3840 i'm in the dayzchannel.

(and please respond within today, i would like to get this started immediately)

Edited by Gooseguy312

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Add me on skype: kisoniukas20

I have some useful stuff, im expierenced in this game, and looking for teammates just like you.

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Add me on skype: kisoniukas20

I have some useful stuff, im expierenced in this game, and looking for teammates just like you.

Bump ***Still Looking***

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Add me on skype as well


Im looking for a good group of players who I can trust. This could be fun. Please get back to me about this. And anyone who is interested add me on skype please

Have a great day

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I would like to join you. I have been looking for someone to play with, I've been playing by myself for quite a while now but lacked backup which resulted in my deaths. My Skype is CerberusKnight14.

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This seems interesting.

I have no equipment as of now, but I find stuff fast. Or atleast I dont think i have equipment.

My skype is remi.dimeston

I am 14, but have no fear, I have a maturing voice. Not the best, but its all I have.

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Interested, but you need to add the following info to your original post:

Location of server (US EU UK?)

Type of server (Noobtags disabled? What about 3rd person?)

Times you play

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Interested, but you need to add the following info to your original post:

Location of server (US EU UK?)

Type of server (Noobtags disabled? What about 3rd person?)

Times you play

sent you a PM. ***BUMP***

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