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FPS Issue

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Hey guys, I seem to have a problem with my FPS in DayZ. My framerate will not go above 7-8 making the game unplayable (Changing the graphics settings ingame does not make any difference atall, Very High is just as laggy as Very Low). I have no Idea what Is going on as I believe my PC is easily powerful enough to play the game on atleast very low.

My Specs:

Quad Q8200 2.4GHz - CPU

AMD Radeon HD 6870 - GPU


I recently defragged both of my harddrives and even went as far as upgrading my graphics card to see if that would help (from a GTS 250 to the 6870). What troubles me as well Is the fact I can play ARMA 2 and ARMA 2 OA on max settings with 40-60fps.

Any help will be much appreciated.

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You FPS will depend on the server you are playing on.

Test across multiple servers.

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Ya, ive noticed varying fps on different servers as well. Ive done some extensive testing and determined that my graphic settings don't really have that much effect on fps overall for me. The only thing that gets me now is i will be playing in a server with around 25-35 fps running around in most places but certain towns bog it down to 16-20 and make it tough to shoot zombies accurately. If anyone has any advice for this, it would be appreciated!

Q6600 @ 2.4ghz

AMD Radeon 5850

4Gb ram

120Gb OCZ Vertex drive

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I've tried other servers, The most my FPS will go up to is about 23-25 fps on any graphics settings, This still seems a bit low :S

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You need a better processor. 2.4 GHZ is pretty low for arma 2

Actually a Quad 1.6 can run ARMA 2 past its Recommend settings, So a 2.4 should be fine with it. I've had some frame rate issues with a quad 2.9 as is.

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My Specs:

Quad Q8200 2.4GHz - CPU

AMD Radeon HD 6870 - GPU


What troubles me as well Is the fact I can play ARMA 2 and ARMA 2 OA on max settings with 40-60fps.


Screen resolution?

Yes, this troulbes me too. Please tell me how you get minimum of 40fps in single player campaign with no mods?

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I believe my PC is easily powerful enough to play the game on atleast very low.

. Setting options to very low will make game cpu limited.

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I think the poster should be getting much higher framerates. I highly recommend trying out the new AMD beta drivers to see if they help at all. I'm using the 12.7 beta drivers at the moment. (Uninstall with the Catalyst Install Manager, then reboot, then do the driver install).

Make sure your Video Ram setting in Arma is always at "Default". The Arma II dev team has been quoted as not even knowing why they included the other memory settings, because they handicap the engine too much. (too lazy to find quote, read it in an article)

Another thing I've noticed is that alt-tabbing while in game since or so will sometimes cause the framerate to permanently drop, until you completely restart the game.

The only other thing I can think of is that 4GB of ram is a tad low, particularly if you are running a 64-bit OS. Still, it shouldn't be a problem, assuming you have taken the necessary steps of shutting down extra software while playing (Firefox/Chrome can be a big one if left open with lots of tabs).

Edited by Jivix

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I have a 4GB ram system and i can run it with multiple programs open, fraps recording and full graphical settings (granted i have a decent pc) so 4GB should be fine

Edited by MarlDaeSu

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