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First time sniping another player, server goes down

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So i found this sniper and decided that i wanted to see if i could hit anyone with it. After a while i saw a guy running in the distance into some trees. I cautiously follow him and take my position next to some bushy trees. I see him off in the distance, but its not just him, there are 4 players now. As i try to catch my breath, more of them disappear into the forest. Just before the last is no longer visible, i shoot just in front of him. It puts him down, i shoot again and it says someone was killed, and my murders go to 1. Half a second later the server goes down and hasn't come back up yet... This was on au4.

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Maybe a server restart? Did the sniper save? If it did, it doesn't matter what server you are on (not sure if you are aware of this, seing as you are waiting for one server to come back up)

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The server only just restarted within an hour or 2 ago. Yeah ive still got the sniper, the kill is gone though.

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