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Second Opinion on Hackers

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So recently we've been noticing vehicles are being discovered (let's just say) a little to easily on our server and our regulars have also noticed this.

Well hidden vehicles are simply gone within hours and no one on our server is able to locate any vehicles at all.

I recently picked up a Admin Radar tool from a fellow admin in these forums to investigate. Let me add, I run my server fairly and in a completely unbiased manner and my regulars will confirm this. I dont agree with using such a tool as it gives an admin knowledge he or she should not have but in my case it served for the purpose of good and for the reason such a tool was created for.

Myself and another Admin came up with a plan to set bait (being the big brown truck) and fill it will goodies and place it in an impossible to find location....i.e miles off map. Now please dont think this is a common occurrence! We are dead against off map camps etc

Anyway...our bait was taken within the space of an hour and apon checking the Admin radar tool a certain clan thats recently started playing our server head straight to it almost in a perfect line from the other side of the map as though they had its exact co-ords.

The tool doesn't show them exactly taking it as it does not show off map locations but it does show 3 members of this clan leaving the map at that given time (timestamped) and re-emerging together.

Let me also add that they have a large number of the servers vehicles too. Screenshots of the tool can be provided as well as logs....would this be a definite case of hacking?

Edited by TheWeedMan

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Well if it was my server I would ban them and post a ticket to BattleEye. Thats very suspicious indeed and if they truly went straight to the impossible find... I´d say they are using some sort of "I-see-dead-people" script. Of course thats just suspicious but still...

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Im all for giving players the benefit of the doubt but it does set off a few alarm bells!

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Next time put a satchel charge on it :D

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