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Better admin tools

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Hi there,

I would like to have some advices to be a good admin because I think admin tools are very poor compared to hacker tools.

I host a server with :

  • Battleye
  • Battleye Extend Control with live GUID check.

and that's all. I am often on BERcon but there is just log on/off and chat. Yesterday, some people connect on my server and teleport us in airfield, killing the everyone on the server. Very funny.

I would like to know if there are other tools to prevent hacking ? I have 2 questions :

  1. I saw youtube video where admin can see players inventories to check they only have DayZ weapon. How do they do that ?
  2. I read some informations about script for Battleye but I don't know how to use it ? I saw some players kicked on my server by "Script detection #" but can I add more scripts detections for DayZ ? is there a tutorial about this and an standard file for DayZ ?

Thanks a lot for your answer !

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They were kicked for "Script RESTRICTION #xx" which is done by a custom script detection that you can create and upload to your server. It goes into the battleye folder where scripts.log is located. You call it scripts.txt and enter custom lines. However, this requires you to know about some scripts and tools people use to hack on DayZ. I highly doubt you will have the knowledge or patience to do so...

Also, i'd like to see that video, because this is certainly not possible.

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They were kicked for "Script RESTRICTION #xx" which is done by a custom script detection that you can create and upload to your server. It goes into the battleye folder where scripts.log is located. You call it scripts.txt and enter custom lines. However, this requires you to know about some scripts and tools people use to hack on DayZ. I highly doubt you will have the knowledge or patience to do so...

Also, i'd like to see that video, because this is certainly not possible.

The video probably showed an admin going through the logs, which will show player inventories.

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They were kicked for "Script RESTRICTION #xx" which is done by a custom script detection that you can create and upload to your server. It goes into the battleye folder where scripts.log is located. You call it scripts.txt and enter custom lines. However, this requires you to know about some scripts and tools people use to hack on DayZ. I highly doubt you will have the knowledge or patience to do so...

Also, i'd like to see that video, because this is certainly not possible.

When i ran US40 i could see what player's had on them as soon as they connected to the server.

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see, and how you presumably did that would have been the sole interesting part in this discussion. plus, what´s the exact use of seeing inventory contents if that is rather the lesser evil nowadays?

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They were kicked for "Script RESTRICTION #xx" which is done by a custom script detection that you can create and upload to your server. It goes into the battleye folder where scripts.log is located. You call it scripts.txt and enter custom lines. However, this requires you to know about some scripts and tools people use to hack on DayZ. I highly doubt you will have the knowledge or patience to do so...

Also, i'd like to see that video, because this is certainly not possible.


do you have more info, like a list of the commands ?


Edited by remizik

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READ THIS: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?131759-New-BattlEye-features-for-server-admins

For example, part of my scripts.txt looks like this

1 createVehicle

3 serverCommand

4 godmode

7 Bo_Mk82

3 #shutdown

7 OwnageMenu

1 = writes "scripts.log" only

2 = writes to server console only

4 = Kicks player for ("Script Restriction #X") --> with #X being the line in the scripts.txt

Combining the above values will cause combined action.


7 = (1+2+4) ALL Actions, log, console log, and kick

5 = (4+1) Kick and log

3 = (2+1) log and console log

HOWEVER: All of the above are simply tools, YOU have to find out what type of hacks you are looking for. My scripts.txt is just an example and i will not publicly release the scripts.txt we are using to avoid hackers becoming aware of which hacks we can detect.

Edited by (NGG) Toby

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