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Road Rage

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We had a major road rage incident on DE 188 last night.

11PM and I'm exfiltrating 2 of my squad from Cherno in the VS23 Civi en route to pick up 3 more.

I'm driving dark heading West when we see a Hatchback with lights on heading right at us.

I don't plan to go off road on this truck with all the Debris about and having gotten upto speed already so I honk my horn but they don't even swerve and seem to want to play Chicken.

I hit them just off center at 70KMPH and sent him Careening off into the central reservation.

Truck damage minimal.

I see their car is still moving but not very fast, almost certainly heavy front wheel damage.

I spin the van around as our sniper jumps out leaving my buddy with his Silenced M4 in the back as 4 people get out of the hatchback and open up on the truck so I floor it at the driver side.

Muzzle flashes from 4 assuault rifles are blinding through the NVG and I'm convinced the rain of bullets on the cab will hit me before I can ram them again but they seem to be panicing and shooting centre mass on the cab and never even hit the glass.

In hindsight I wish I had turned on the lights to blind them further.

Blood pumping I honk the horn and scream at them over comms so I hit them like a truck out of hell.

I ram the drivers side crushing the rear passenger to death and sending the driver flying into the distance but only rack up one kill, a bandit kill!

I make a mistake here and carry on past the car pulling up just East of them exposing my remaining squad mate to the 2 far side passangers and another full auto fulisade knocks him unconcious and he falls out the truck bleeding heavily.

I swing it round so the truck is between us and Jump out the cab thinking the truck will protect me but the driver who had been shunted up the road is still alive with broken legs and sprays me as I climb out, I never even get my gun shouldered.

At this point it goes quiet, 1 serious injured bandit 10 meters up the road and two still alive.

They must not have counted our numbers and seen the sniper disembark as they start trying to loot bodies.

Our sniper takes out the bandit trying to loot my friend killing him and destroying the car behind him as well in the same shot!

That .50 Cal packs a wallop...

The other bandit breaks for the beach.

My friend comes too at this point and gets 2 shots off at the fleeing bandit before passing out again, the bandit turns and finishes him off before the sniper gets him too.

The driver up the road bleeds out and dies leaving our one man standing.

He loots some very well tooled up bandits including a Desert Cammo M4 SCO SD.

I get a lucky spawn just out of Cherno and head back to the truck but in the adrenaline come down I forget I've changed my PTT button and he doesn't hear my identify myself as I approach the truck and guns me down >_<

I get lucky AGAIN and spawn in Cherno and run to him with a zombie train behind me which he takes a shot at and misses...hitting me in the head........Yeah I'm going to have words with him about that....

Of course I forget to save the damn gun/truck before the midnight server reboot and the gun evapourates into the ether :(

So car blown up, the only gun worth looting lost....we lost nothing but gained nothing either except a rush and a tale to share.

Edited by Cannon
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Cool story bro. No really cool story. sounds very exciting I want some adventures like that.

Edited by Chaossound

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It was a rush for sure.

The thought of 4 guys in a crappy hatchback who don't even have NVG or High end weapons getting the better of us and making off with our mobile base as we think of it made the Adrenaline flow.

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