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Re-Implement M107 TWS

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Inb4 whining about how INSANELYWTFBBQISOSICKOFIT op the Thermal on the L85A2 AWS is: It isn't and I won't even bother to explain why! Has been well explained all over the Forums.

I'd love to see the m107 TWS in the game again and since the deplementation notice of it was: will be gettable through achievements or side-missions. Is there any timeline on when those/the

weaponw ill come back? Because unlike a lot of other players (pussies) I'm missing it. If you whine about it well gtfo watch some tits or s.th. Any mods/devs willing to give a statement on that?

If not I'd at least love to see any information on the near future plans of the game, because it is definetly going in the right direction but the things that are important to folks despite stableness

is well: content, which sadly is provided rather slow.


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No. You just want this weapon back because it would get you easy player kills. Seriously, this gun is already extremely powerful and will one-hit kill almost every time, and you want to add a thermal scope to it? For the love of God, man, get a grip.

Not going to happen.

Edited by Menny

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Because unlike a lot of other players (pussies) I'm missing it.

Deal with it like a man. I do not think the thermal snipers should ever come back, although we are still finding them on a daily basis.

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QQ more please your tears only feed my desire for it to be re-implemented

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QQ more please your tears only feed my desire for it to be re-implemented

:) you think your the only one to behave like this and ask for the m107 tws back? seriously read back through what you posted let it sink in give yourself a few years to reach maturity, and maybe you'll realise you Internet postings really mean nothing.

Edited by Lumberjack

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INO umadbro? *12yo trollface*

The L85 is kinda wallhack, but I don't have any reall objection to it staying, so long as removing the duping/hacking decreases the frequency. I really don't see how this is important, or even a good idea. It really is just feeding your desire to kill the fresh off the coast of electro.

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Man you sound like a little Kid. I think the only one who QQs is you, because they took out your noob-one-hit-kill weapon.

What should anyone do with that weapon except for PK-ing? If you just want to spot, find an L85, or - if you really need it for your orgasms - get a NVG and a DMR.

Plus: Insulting other players as pussies doesn't let you appear very mature and makes you a much greater pussy then all of that spawnkilling Sniperfags out there.

HF with never getting that weapons (Oh yeah i am whining QQ booohoooo)

PS: You can start with flaming and insultung me now, I don't care.

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Not Pk-ing anything south nof Stary and have been punished often enough for it, so much for noob-one-hit-killer destroying coasters/electroers/cherno/berezinho etc. etc. spawners I don't.

Imho every single weapon that's in OA also should be in dayz but that's just my oppinion continue whining about modern weapons in a game that plays in modern mil scenarios you guys are just scared by power

that's all

edit: before i forget...

how does calling people that negatively affect my attitude towards a REALISTIC game pussies make me younger would love to know that despite me probably being older than anyone else ITT

well w/e guess i'll just have to write my own mod which will be a rip-off of rockets pretty good game simply featuring every weapon in the game which only people with balls will play!

oh and btw. I play this game for the weapons featured nothing more, nothing less and arma is just not the same.

Edited by yaqu

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Oh sorry, my bad, I seen the OP mentioned coasters... and well... yeah.

Anyhow, I don't really have a problem with the L85 AWS, as it is suppose to be extremely rare (forget dupers, they are trying to fix that, if we balanced the game based on cheating then all guns would have 9 million damage, and we'd float through the air, invisible). As well, the 5.56 round is limited in both damage and range, plus the L85 doesn't hold its own well in close quarters.

BUT, a thermal M107? No thanks. Maybe a low range Night Vision version that you can't turn off, which would be funny in the day, sure, but nothing like what the OP is suggesting. I'd love more weapons, but he might as well be asking for semi-auto multi-round grenade launchers. Wait. Maybe that would be cool?

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way to whine and try to make fun of anyone who doesn't agree. cry moar about how you want a weapon back in the game while insulting any dissenters, i'm sure that will help.

I play this game for the weapons featured nothing more, nothing less and arma is just not the same.

there's probably your biggest problem. it's a zombie survival game. that means it's more about zombies and survival rather than the weapons you wish you could have.

also, your grammar gave me cancer. thanks.

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yaqu, if you just enjoy the guns then why not go to editor, put lots of civilians on the map and start shooting at them?

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I think it must be troll, or person with gun fetish.

might not be a troll. just a mentally challenged(is that how you call them, right?) person, who cant use standard scope for target acquisition.

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So if someone doesn't want a 1200m+ firing one hit kill rifle with night/day spotting vision with anti-materiel quality that makes them a Pussy?

Can you just clarify that point for me?

I have an L85 at the moment and I DO feel like a pussy for using it - I put forward sir that whoever chooses an M107 AWS rifle is the absolute definition of a pussy for the DayZ mod.

Edited by Bacon Surfboard

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