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Predictive Text in chat/then cant delete it.

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Anyone else having a problem like this, Just tried searching around but could really find anything like it.

My problem is when I first enter in a server, I can type normal but later on, if I type something in any of the channels and I have to use a letter that I used before it will automatically type a word for me.

Example: I type " are you a friendly?" then later on ill say something like "We need to go to the Hospital for supplies"

as soon as a typed the letter F, it would automatically turn into Friendly and it wont let me delete the word that it put it.

it doesnt happen for every letter but its random and quite a burden because I cant type what I need to say and results in misunderstandings. any help on this matter will be greatly appreciate.

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It happens when you use the Steam overlay, if it happens again press escape, your menu will be flickering (rapidly cycling through each item). Press "Tab" to stop the flicker then you should be ok to use direct chat again.

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