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US 842 script to ocean for all players

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Just posting this hoping the admins of US 842 are around to see this.

At 11:30 PM Pacific time tonight, August 6th (give or take a minute either side), someone ran the script that teleported all players to the ocean.

If anyone can, look through your logs for that time stamp to find whoever ran that script.

Also...if anyone knows....now that I'm out swimming in the water with no way to hit the respawn button, how to I get back to shore?

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Same thing happened not too long ago on a kansas server, great part about it is the removal of the respawn button. What a great idea is was to remove that.

Now I'm in the middle of the ocean swimming for 30 minutes, not knowing if i will even ever get to the coast.

Game is litterally unplayable for me at the moment.

Edited by Redell

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Have you been out in the water long?

Have you tried just letting yourself un out of water/food and dying?

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Alt-F4ing no?

No. ALT F4 just disconnects. Whenever I reconnect, no matter what server I'm waaaaay out in the ocean.

I guess the script kiddies have found one that really pisses poeple off. Teleport to the water, it's not the debug plains so no auto-move on startup back to the beach and with no respawn button, we are all stuck out there.

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It took about 3 hours of just leaving my game on with my guy in the water for the food/water/temp to hit low and drop me down to die. That teleport to the ocean really is a bugger and causes HOURS of inconvenience.

The good news is that I finally died and respawned on the beach, immediately ran into a building and found a hatchet. As I was equipping the hatchet some poor unfortunate soul spawned 10 feet from me in the building, with an Alice pack and Enfield showing. I'm not sure he even knew what hit him. Thank you whoever you were. :rolleyes: Your Enfield and pistol and all the equipment will go to a good cause.

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Cant you dive down and drown? Trying to get info in case this happens to me.

No, you can't dive down.

You have to just bide the time; drain down your food, water and temp until it drains your life.

It takes HOURS

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