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Right now the crossbow is the worst weapon in dayz.


- low noise (bowstring) for PvP and zero noise for zombies



- Hard to aim

- Magazine size is a joke: 1 bolt - 1 slot

- Very slow rate of fire

- Effective range: 30 m

Comments and suggestions:

Effective range.

It's real to hunt animals at 75 and even 100 meters with a crossbow.

Make it at least 60.

Very slow rate of fire.

It's ok.

Magazine size.

The main drawback. So, 200 ammo for a machinegun is a 2 slot item. Nah, better take 2 bolts for your crossbow!

1 slot - 12 bolts, or implement quiver for crossbow bolts: 2 slots - 24 bolts.

Hard to aim.

Most modern crossbows are with an optics. But i don't care.


To sum up:

- Make magazine size bigger: 1 slot - 12 bolts, or 2 slot - 24 bolts.

- Make effective range at least 60 meters.


P.S. I thought it's possible to pull out the arrow from the dead body, when shot a zombie for the first time. But it wasn't.

If we are talking about realism, this should be implemented too.

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I think there is a post about the cross bow, i'm not sure.

1 slot should = 5 bolts since a normal cross bow quiver (The kind that are attached to the x-bow) holds 4+1 in the "chamber"

Also agree with the bow having increased range, i made a suggestion once but it didn't get much friction saying that you should be able to craft wooden bolts witch don't go as far then steal bolts.

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a quiver is defiantly a good idea, but that would only serve one weapon. Until maybe a bow and arrow crossbows should have 5 per slot.

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