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Blowing away some churno nubs

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I have been playing dayz for a few months now and like others on the forum I've been betrayed by players I have tried to help. So like others I have developed the shoot on sight policy unless they are unarmed or I know them. This is my story where I did a little of both.

So it all started after I left balota and headed into churno to stock up on supplies. I had recently spawned so I only had the basics Winchester, pistol and a grenade I picked up of a dead zed in balota. Moving into churno I made it to the supermarket without incident raided food and a few tools and headed to the next building the church to raid. This is where it gets interesting as I near the church I begin to get a bit of chatter over the direct chat. I also noticed immediately that the churches doors were closed so I moved up to the side of the church to try and hear what they were talking about. The must have heard me move and started talking about killing the person they heard outside (me). So at this point I figure I could leave and risk them chasing me out of churno or hit the door and see what their doing inside. Being a recent spawn I figure what the heck I'll see how many of these guys I can take with me. Judging by the conversation inside I figured there were around 3 of them minimum 12-15 year olds. At this point I thought of contacting them over my mic but figured that would point out my lack of numbers. Now what weapon would I strike with them having the numbers advantage the shotgun wasn't gonna cut it so I settled on my grenade.I I then snuck to the corner of the church and opened the church door from safely behind the opposite door. Peeking around the corner I see one guy gun focused on the door and at this point their just flipping out over the mic excited to shoot whatever crosses the threshold. I hail Mary the grenade through the door and get a lil distance between me and the door before it goes off. The blast killed 3 people instantly according to my feed, I flip to my shotgun and roll inside. These nubs had setup their campsite in churno church cause noone ever goes there. And to my delight I find an additional 2 players knocked unconscious by the grenade I give them the famous any last words speech before I executed them.

So now to collect my prizes I start searching the bodies for loot and pulling their names and the tents for loot. It was mostly noob stuff and a few military weapons but I stuck with the shotty (I like the close range power). So I continued to search when another player sprints into the church of course I'm on still on kill or be killed so I unload a shell instantly right into his chest. He says friendly and instantly curses and sprints back out I heard him run into the few zombies that had showed up to investigate the commotion. Having no choice he turns back and retreats back into the building. Noticing he dosnt have a weapon and his name dosnt match any of my recent victims I immediately apologize for acting rashly. To back it up I bandaged his gunshot wound and hit him with a bloodbag. Told him to help himself to anything he wanted and I took off out of churno before he decided to betray me. I still suspected him as being a friend of the church fags.

Because of this and a few other events I finally pulled the trigger and bought fraps. I know its a long read but figure there's a few like me who use the forums and read the stories in my downtime. Happy hunting

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I have been playing dayz for a few months now and like others on the forum I've been betrayed by players I have tried to help. So like others I have developed the shoot on sight policy unless they are unarmed or I know them. This is my story where I did a little of both.

So it all started after I left balota and headed into churno to stock up on supplies. I had recently spawned so I only had the basics Winchester, pistol and a grenade I picked up of a dead zed in balota. Moving into churno I made it to the supermarket without incident raided food and a few tools and headed to the next building the church to raid. This is where it gets interesting as I near the church I begin to get a bit of chatter over the direct chat. I also noticed immediately that the churches doors were closed so I moved up to the side of the church to try and hear what they were talking about. The must have heard me move and started talking about killing the person they heard outside (me). So at this point I figure I could leave and risk them chasing me out of churno or hit the door and see what their doing inside. Being a recent spawn I figure what the heck I'll see how many of these guys I can take with me. Judging by the conversation inside I figured there were around 3 of them minimum 12-15 year olds. At this point I thought of contacting them over my mic but figured that would point out my lack of numbers. Now what weapon would I strike with them having the numbers advantage the shotgun wasn't gonna cut it so I settled on my grenade.I I then snuck to the corner of the church and opened the church door from safely behind the opposite door. Peeking around the corner I see one guy gun focused on the door and at this point their just flipping out over the mic excited to shoot whatever crosses the threshold. I hail Mary the grenade through the door and get a lil distance between me and the door before it goes off. The blast killed 3 people instantly according to my feed, I flip to my shotgun and roll inside. These nubs had setup their campsite in churno church cause noone ever goes there. And to my delight I find an additional 2 players knocked unconscious by the grenade I give them the famous any last words speech before I executed them.

So now to collect my prizes I start searching the bodies for loot and pulling their names and the tents for loot. It was mostly noob stuff and a few military weapons but I stuck with the shotty (I like the close range power). So I continued to search when another player sprints into the church of course I'm on still on kill or be killed so I unload a shell instantly right into his chest. He says friendly and instantly curses and sprints back out I heard him run into the few zombies that had showed up to investigate the commotion. Having no choice he turns back and retreats back into the building. Noticing he dosnt have a weapon and his name dosnt match any of my recent victims I immediately apologize for acting rashly. To back it up I bandaged his gunshot wound and hit him with a bloodbag. Told him to help himself to anything he wanted and I took off out of churno before he decided to betray me. I still suspected him as being a friend of the church fags.

Because of this and a few other events I finally pulled the trigger and bought fraps. I know its a long read but figure there's a few like me who use the forums and read the stories in my downtime. Happy hunting

my point is organise your writing. its as hard to read as that ^^^

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my point is organise your writing. its as hard to read as that ^^^

Thank you!

I don't think I would have understood/read it otherwise.

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