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so, hacking is here to stay apparently

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The hacks are probably going to be around forever, like other games such as combat arms, apb, and so on and blahblah. Also, it's in Alpha not Beta so stop being a fucktard.

Banwaves do nothing, all you have to do is buy another OA key and you're good to hack for another month or more without being caught, and you can buy keys for $5 each and the lowest ive seen is $2 if you buy in bulk of 20 and so on

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Given that all his existing code was using ArmA 2's engine, I would assume it would look very similar to what you see now.

Rocket said months ago hes tried DayZ on ARMA3 and it works.But that was before the hackers showed the world what a shit engine ARMA 2 and 3 are built around.

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Question: What kind of shit servers are you all joining which consist of these crazy amounts of hacks? I'm seriously curious. Of my months of playing, I've encountered one, maybe two, actual "hacks". Neither of the two were game breaking. And I play on a daily basis for a few hours each log in.

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I know some people are saying that hackers aren't all that bad, or that "they're in every game".

While this is true, I died three times in two days due to hackers. All on different servers, and all within a couple of hours of gameplay (I only get to play in the evenings).

In a game with "perma-death", it feels really game breaking. Maybe I just had a run of bad luck but being killed every few hours before you can even get reasonable gear is not only frustrating, but just flat out boring. I'm tired of crawling through zombies with no weapons just to grab a box of matches and then be teleported into the sky where I fall to my death, along with everyone else on the server.

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Rocket said months ago hes tried DayZ on ARMA3 and it works.But that was before the hackers showed the world what a shit engine ARMA 2 and 3 are built around.

Are you trying to imply that Rocket isnt going to use the Arma 3 Engine? Wow, you just got punked then since he signed a deal with BI to do the development for Dayz.

What engine did you honestly think he was going to build it on? Of course its going to be the Arma 3 engine.

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there is no point on why rocket should waste his resources fixing the hacker problem on this mod because a stand alone is coming. he will never get to work on his standalone if he has to take care of the hacking problem.

Because if everyone is turned off by the mod's problems, nobody will be around by the time standalone comes out. The mod is his PR so he has to have a good reputation.

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I know some people are saying that hackers aren't all that bad, or that "they're in every game".

While this is true, I died three times in two days due to hackers. All on different servers, and all within a couple of hours of gameplay (I only get to play in the evenings).

In a game with "perma-death", it feels really game breaking. Maybe I just had a run of bad luck but being killed every few hours before you can even get reasonable gear is not only frustrating, but just flat out boring. I'm tired of crawling through zombies with no weapons just to grab a box of matches and then be teleported into the sky where I fall to my death, along with everyone else on the server.

Same thing happened to me. Teleported to the sky and fell to my death. I'm really wondering what's preventing a player or group of player from jumping server to server and wiping out as many people as they can.

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I'm not sure what the nativity has to do with it.

He wrote naitivity, not nativity. Completely different word even though it doesn't exist in the English language.Chalk that up to naiveté!

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There is a fix on the way, a huge ban wave is on the way, according to the people at battle eye.

This is actually a fortnightly thing and only helps for 2-3 days before they make another undetected bypass. It's not a "fix" by any means of the imagination, more of a treatment.

And people that pretend that every online game has as many cheats and hackers as DayZ has? ha.

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if hacks were not caught by tribes ascend servers, i or any of my people would have at least seen it once. strange that on their forums, there has also never been and "about hackers" threads

and yeah, there is zero hacks, speedhacks, dupes, etc, in tera online. i dont blame you for not attempting to look it up, as you know you are wrong.

but feel free to keep claiming that every game has hacks to defend this games rampant hacking, idiot :)

Wow, maybe you should just stop posting. I've never played either of those 2 games but a google search comes back with many youtube videos and websites showing off hacks for both those games. And you're calling someone else an idiot?

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script kiddies exist in just about any game, most of the issues are due to fundamental issues within the game engine, it wasn't designed to be used they way it is in short.

lets look at teleporting (please note this is all theoretical, and based upon my own assumptions).

The only way a Player X should be able to teleport/move player Z would be via the code used when client takes over movement controls for zombies. as was explained to help off-load the burden upon servers. When a zombie chases your client takes over pathing and controls the zombie telling the server where it should be. now assume no checks are carried out using this client -> server communication its easy to see how players can teleport others and themselves.

Additionally if the same lack of authorizing if player X's client can really move Player Z is in place for items you have in your bag, then its even easier to understand how player X can just add items to their bags and others.

Yes it sounds like the game is fundamentally broken and makes allowing exploits easy, but Personally I wonder how much could be fixed by the mod? and how much will be fixed in the standalone as they should have raw source code to work with.

in summary, hacking is not here to stay but its not really gonna die down or disappear any time fast, as the more players come to play DayZ the amount of potential remtarded script kiddies also increases. all we can do is hope for some fixes eventually and try to enjoy the mod best we can for now.

Edited by KuroSaru

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