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dayz refuses to run correctly, extreme amount of bandwidth use

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so i have been trying to install this game/mod for 5 hours. i understand it is a mod, and is in alpha, but christ, i've never had so many problems trying to play a game.

once i correctly installed the game, i failed to join a few different servers. loading was taking an extremely long time (i know it's due to this game spiking my ping....). FINALLY managed to join a game, then it persisted to stutter... completely unplayable. i tried single player arma 2, so it's not my graphic settings, it's this game taking up an extremely large amount of bandwidth when attempting to join a server or playing in one (which has occurred 2 times in the past 5 hours). also note that i lose connection to mostly any server because my ms spikes to 1500-2500.

so, i updated the battle eye dlls. removed all the damn files from the folder. put them in AGAIN. nothing helped. re installed the game, updated the battle eye server/client ONCE again and it still is not working. NOW i just get a battle eye error when trying to join any game, if i so choose to wait out the fucking 10+ minute load wait. i am very frustrated.

i can play ANY other online multiplayer game without an issue. i have an internet speed of around 7 mbps.

please, please help. i bought the game specifically for this damn mod and no matter how hard i try i CANNOT get this to work. i don't want to have to ask for a refund but i am thinking i may have to considering i can't play this mod.

i'm on windows 7 using only MSE as a firewall.

Edited by bankers

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alright i'm assuming that the one i downloaded on the wiki was incorrect. i'm going to try this again. i really want to break something

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seems we are in the same boat, did you fix your issue?

welp, i uninstalled and am in the 3 hour process of downloading the game once again.

i'll let you know what happens when i install this new beta patch, if you happen to do so before me, let me know how it works out!

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i actually have done that before....... and it worked for a day, then back to the same bs.

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well, i found the solution. i downloaded an earlier beta 97541 or something near that and i only play on servers with that same beta number. 0 issues now

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i dont see that version will you reconfirm? i see a 94517, but that is actually the version i was using when i started having this issue.

Edited by duufus

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95417 is the version, sorry i had the numbers mixed up. i basically had the newest, just reapplied this one and it worked flawlessly. most of the servers use this beta build apparnely, also.

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