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What happens to your old dead body if the server restarts?

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I had respawned and had been moving for a loong time in order to get back to my dead body, but a few hundre meters away the server restarts. When I log in and get back to the location, I no cannot find my body.

Did my body and the stuff get wiped with the server restart?

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Whenever I die and have a lot of stuff on me I make it my mission to go back and retrieve it, but yea I've had a server restart on me whilst I was on my way to get my stuff back, quite annoying.

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First time I died after having a really good life that happened to me. I died right in the middle of Balota due to a bad zombie aggro that knocked me out. I spawned and made my way back towards it. I cautiously made my way towards my body so I wouldn't gain aggro and could actually loot it. I was about 2 feet away when the server restarted. My body was gone

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