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Skins are important (morphing to be more specific)

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So i was thinking huh...when did the community go to shit...when did the game just become a giant deathmatch...oh right bandit skins...


Here is the thing hardcorists....and all you fuckers who cry out realism (im sick of that double edged sword of hypocrisy) this IS A VIDEO GAME...just like the eating and drinking system...and the non existent stamina system (run forever) i find it idiotic how people would support things with the banner of realism or "authenticity" just to counter something that didn't agree with them under the same banner. The morphing system was brilliant for this game...you start out as whoever then choose your path...why can't they just accept the first time was the best choice. I know everyone has heard the saying about how you should stick with your first choice if your unsure...


Bandit skin should only have been the beginning, i see many posts and people having different attitudes about who they are in the game.

I will jump straight to the "what you want ghillie and camo gone" no...i think there should be cloths like that too..i just think that all cloths DON'T need to be equipped.

Also im not saying add the morality system back either i say just add the morphing back in. Morality while a good concept is subjective when it comes to certain things (i.e what is considered gray black and white)



Simple what you do affects your appearance, if you kill people for a living (i.e what you chose to do that life) then you will wear a bandit skin.

Now how to expand on this concept.


People who kill bandits would have a vigilante skin, perhaps a scrappy torn military uniform or police uniform *COUGH* mad max


People who heal others with bandages and epi pens, blood bags what have you.


(if they ever make non lethal takedowns a possibility)

People who go around stealing peoples things (but not kill, as in hold them up, a strange unknown concept to most of you blind murderers i know) would have the thief skin, thieves would be branded as such as after stealing from others backpacks or tents/cars this would cause either shoot on sight or curiosity to go and talk to them. Since you would know they don't kill people but instead just get what they need or what they want.


(If they ever make zombie killing a viable option)

A zombie slayer skin would be nice to see as well, pretty much if you say "fuck stealth' and go in to clear a town temporarily

(i mentioned how this could be a nice feature, by having the zombies killed in towns spawn about 100 meters or so outside and slowly walk back in so as to induce the feeling that the people who are clearing the town have attracted the attention of outside threat.)


There could be more unique ones if wanted for example if you have lived for a long time and have a lot of loot you would get the hermit skin or experience survivor skin to show how you have lived a long time. As a neutral person. We have seen depictions of this skin concept in a lot of post apocalyptic media where you come across a character who is just a big ass hoarder and has so much it can't help but show. This skin could perhaps grow a beard on the character identifying longevity and dirtied clothes and stuff on the back pack. The person who pops in my head for this kind of character is that one dude from metro 2033 that you meet and he helps you out.

NOTE that the you can change your skins by changing how you play, (the concept of changing your "default" skin is like the concept of skyrim and it's class system FYI)

NOTE civilian clothing would become a spawn able item and would allow people to go back to normal "default" skin for preference or to try and trick others into thinking they are friendly (adding actual deception would be nice)

NOTE All equip able clothing (ghillie civilian and camo) all would overwrite the morphed skin until taken off

To be truthful i think having skins and other visual indications would just help...after all it was kind of proven this system worked and was better (i.e bandit skin era)

And to be truthful to deny peoples appearance wouldn't change depending on who they are is just ignorant and asinine, business men wear suits, welders wear heavy clothing, DOCTORS WEAR WHITE COATS, we all wear uniforms of some kind.

"that is not real life this is post apocalyptic"....ya ok bitch well hmm have you ever played fallout ya...mechanics still wore blue collar clothing, and doctors still wore lab coats...

EVEN SO no professional clothing we all wore what identified who we were...cheerleaders wore different clothing than geeky girls...jocks wore different clothing then fat nerds...seriously it doesn't matter what happens to the world people will still take on roles and make sure to let others know who they are through ways of identification ONE OF THE BIGGEST WAYS BEING VISUAL


To all the PVP whiners who will hate on this by saying things that will translate to "NO NO NO I WANT TO FOOL PEOPLE INTO NOT KNOWING IM NOT A KILLER I WANT THEM TO THINK I AM INNOCENT SO I CAN STAB THEM IN THE BACK MUHAHAHA"...you can still do that by going and finding civilian clothing...civilian would be just like ghille and camo except it would obviously spawn in residential areas...why should it be made easy for PVP killers they should have to go and find a disguise to try and fool people IMO

To bad this won't happen...oh well.



You never play skyrim? You get what you do most. You would need to do a lot of one thing to get the skin for example 5-10 acts depending on what skin

i.e murder/bandit kill skins would be 5 kills and for zombie killer you would need 10 zombie kills (i would like to see it personally at 50 but no one just goes around killing zombies since right now this ZOMBIE MOD really gives no incentive to kill zombies since they just spawn back instantly and are just annoying not challenging.)

medic would be about 10 or 15 acts of healing others

i give up on thieving ill just leave that to the survivor skin.

The counter would reset for the ones you don't have the most in.


If you have done multiple acts say

1 heal

3 murders

2 bandit kill

After a small amount of time it is prioritized which task you have done most and resets (i would like every other second or so but a minute would be fine) you would then have

0 heal

3 murders

0 bandit kill

(NOTE this would not be the same as your debug monitor this would be an unseen stat that merely records your actions)

You only get the skin if you focus on one subject if you don't and just do all the above you stay survivor.

P.S Once you have attained a skin say the bandit skin, your "unseen" stat counter would reset everything back to 0, You would really only morph into a skin if you really played that way.

MOST PEOPLE would still be survivors these skins are not to rewrite the survivor skin merely give more identification to how people play, which is not wrong or unrealistic IN FACT it is unrealistic for a medic to look like a normal person when they clearly want to be identified as a medic or a vigilante wanting to be recognized by bandits and survivors alike.

In all honesty rocket and crew are doing nothing except catering to PVP people since bandits are just about the ONLY ones who don't want skins so as to hope everyone views them as just another survivor...well that plan sucks as clearly seen by the downfall in human communication in game after bandit skins were taken away. Now it doesn't matter what they look like i see no reason to bitch about skins/morphing due to how you play. Most "bandits" (snipers/campers) just hide on a tower or hill anyway hoping to not get seen wearing a ghille suit...so why the hell would bandit skin even affect them now? Since i clearly said camo/ghille would override your "active" skin.

Edited by Slyguy65
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wow forum seems kind dead ri....oh nvm everyone else is just busy making new topics every two second instead of reading others....well damn..

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Very Good idea, or when u tap "P" the number of kills and other things can be seen by the others, and add medical statistics.

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Very Good idea, or when u tap "P" the number of kills and other things can be seen by the others, and add medical statistics.

MMMmmmm i know what your saying but im strictly speaking visual identification nothing more nothing less you would just get a gist of who you are looking at that would help you decide whether to kill or talk. The statistics would be TMI but then again the scoreboard is still viewable soo i guess but IMO that would just be an unnecessary addition...keeping score and tallies is a bit out character for the mod.

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thieves would be branded as such as after stealing from others backpacks or tents/cars

I'm exchanging gear with my teammates through the backpack when needed

That would make me a master-thief in the eyes of your proposed mechanic

NOTE that the you can change your skins by changing how you play,

Guy is a dedicated medic for his group

Guy happens to kill everyone not in his group too

How does your system decide if he's a medic or a bandit?

The same problem applies to every other combination

I can steal things, be a medic in my group, kill bandits, be a bandit at the same time and I can slay lots of zombies

What skin do I get?

Edited by Hawk24

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I'm exchanging gear with my teammates through the backpack when needed

That would make me a master-thief in the eyes of your proposed mechanic

Hey im not proposing a marketing strategy...i can't get super detail on how it would work and all the tiny bits..this is concept...the thief skin concept is the somewhat gray/black character choice they take and steal but don't kill...more challenging...also other features could be added in the game...(hopefully) such as non lethal weapons.

Or if you just take something from a backpack and don't put anything in it after a certain time it is considered a theft and not an exchange...plus you would have to do it a lot for it to mark you with the thief skin...so unless you plan on just taking supplies from your friends constantly you should be fine...if you just take from their backpack constantly...well maybe morphing into thief skin would tell your "friends" something about you LOL *COUGH* MOOCH

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I have seen this posted SOOOO many times.

orlly? where and were they this detailed...or were they just saying


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well maybe morphing into thief skin would tell your "friends" something about you LOL *COUGH* MOOCH

A group where backpack items are "stolen" is no real group

You don't require a 1:1 exchange of items

and were they this detailed

A suggestion like advanced skin morphing without an actual mechanic behind it can't be called "detailed"

Edited by Hawk24

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A group where backpack items are "stolen" is no group

You don't require a 1:1 exchange of items

A suggestion for advanced skin morphin without an actual mechanic-wise solution is pretty shallow

TBH i don't go into details unless someone like you calls me out and i just gave you mechanics...you would need to take from others a good amount (5-10) times to even get morphed to bandit.

If you were exchanging gear...you would be giving something back...hence YOUR WORD exchange therefore it wouldn't even affect you since i commented how if you take something and not put anything back in after a minute or so it would count as a theft....

Also....seriously...this big ass post and you just focus on one small portion of it in a negative way...damn how about pointing out if the overall thing is good or bad instead of nit picking an idea that won't even happen.

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Also....seriously...this big ass post and you just focus on one small portion of it in a negative way

I thought of every possible combination and most of them create problems for your suggestion

If you want to make a big ass post then you should come up with a - working - mechanic to go with it

And no, enforcing 1:1 item exchange rates between squadmates to keep me from turning into a thief is not a working solution

The tactics dictate the situation, I've never experienced a 1:1 exchange rate of equipment in my group

You might take food from A and give a primary to B, the game would still think I'm a thief because I took something from A without giving him something back

Edited by Hawk24

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orlly? where and were they this detailed...or were they just saying


The ones I saw say all that you just said, giving medics clothing and people who hunt bandits their own clothes. Try searching a bit harder. These posts are everywhere

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I thought of every possible combination and most of them create problems for your suggestion

If you want to make a big ass post then you should come up with a - working - mechanic to go with it

And no, enforcing 1:1 item exchange rates between squadmates to keep me from turning into a thief is not a working solution

The tactics dictate the situation, I've never experienced a 1:1 exchange rate of equipment in my group

You might take food from A and give a primary to B, the game would still think I'm a thief because I took something from A without giving him something back

Well its a big ass post to cover the simple concept im not going to go into detail since like i said it won't even happen...i hope it does.

...to be honest the thieving concept is just my idea of adding a playstyle that include taking from others but without the killing concept...non lethal takedowns would kind of be needed for this to be a valid option to be honest since then "stealing" would be considered taking from someone who was unconscious.

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The ones I saw say all that you just said, giving medics clothing and people who hunt bandits their own clothes. Try searching a bit harder. These posts are everywhere

Good to know, but to be honest they are not "everywhere'

The posts that are "everywhere" are the "OMG HACKS" posts and the "OMG TENTS/CARS are vanishing/getting wiped" posts or graphical error posts...so to be fair, no this post is not everywhere.

Edited by Slyguy65
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Good to know, but to be honest they are not "everywhere'

The posts that are "everywhere" are the "OMG HACKS" posts and the "OMG TENTS/CARS are vanishing/getting wiped" posts or graphical error posts...so to be fair, no this post is not everywhere.

Yea sorry bout the first post, but seriously I have seen quite a few of these posts though. Sorry 'bout that broada, have some beans.

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Yea sorry bout the first post, but seriously I have seen quite a few of these posts though. Sorry 'bout that broada, have some beans.

Didn't take it offensively was actually curious if you would post some links since i literally have not seen any posts dealing with skins that don't just consist of "OMG BRING BACK BANDIT SKIN" soo ya das cool doh i give some beans to you too

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Didn't take it offensively was actually curious if you would post some links since i literally have not seen any posts dealing with skins that don't just consist of "OMG BRING BACK BANDIT SKIN" soo ya das cool doh i give some beans to you too

I don't want the bandit skins back. Why? I would kill people for it, wouldn't you? It's a nice camo style skin who doesn't want that. Maybe some carebears or something like that, but it was removed to slow PVPing, it kinda had little effect though..

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Stop whining about skins/morphing and yes we want a realistic as possible game. We all know it isn't as real as what we live now but we want a realistic "zombie simulation" we all know its a fucking game dumb ass I am not living my life in a zombie apocalypse or never can and for the base game arma 2 we don't want to go to war... I can't stress at you enough but people like you REEEEALLLY annoy me

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Guy is a dedicated medic for his group

Guy happens to kill everyone not in his group too

How does your system decide if he's a medic or a bandit?

The same problem applies to every other combination

I can steal things, be a medic in my group, kill bandits, be a bandit at the same time and I can slay lots of zombies

What skin do I get?

This is actually a very good point. I would like to know as well.

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Hawk24, on 07 August 2012 - 03:33 AM, said:

Guy is a dedicated medic for his group

Guy happens to kill everyone not in his group too

How does your system decide if he's a medic or a bandit?

The same problem applies to every other combination

I can steal things, be a medic in my group, kill bandits, be a bandit at the same time and I can slay lots of zombies

What skin do I get?


I would say according to your profile as you do the various things that give you skins (Without showing you of course) it would choose the most appropriate skin for you based on what you have done the most of or a combination of the most things you do, if you kill people/bandits the most it would give you that skin, or if you do alot of healing or alot of item pickup stuff then it would give you that skin, As for the theif skin, once the mechanics are fixed think of it this way, have it so if you sneak up to someone while they are pre occupied or something, take something out of their bag and get away unharmed it would tick it off as a steal, if you get shot within a specific amount of time or if you put something back into their backpack it doesnt count, the engine blocks the ability to do what he is explaining which makes it hard but i understand what he means.

There should be many more skins which are altered by your account, so if you die you dont just lose your default skin, it spawns with you, that only makes sense because realisticly you cant have what rocket wants, this only makes sense, as you do things your default skin changes, you can always put on other cloths like ghillie suits and camo which will change you, but your default will remain what you make it until you do something about it, that only makes sense, plus it would be alot more helpful if i know what you do the most of as i look at you or if you approach me i know what im getting into.

Chances are your going to do alot more killing than medicing or stealing so if i see that bandit skin it would put me on my toes, also once they fix the ability to hack they should unban all accounts and make the ones who are known hackers skin a Giant Pink Dildo with arms and legs, and unable to wear other clothes. A joke of course but a guy can joke cant he?

Edited by HamTheBacon

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I don't want the bandit skins back. Why? I would kill people for it, wouldn't you? It's a nice camo style skin who doesn't want that. Maybe some carebears or something like that, but it was removed to slow PVPing, it kinda had little effect though..

Skins are not lootable....

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Hawk24, on 07 August 2012 - 03:33 AM, said:

Guy is a dedicated medic for his group

Guy happens to kill everyone not in his group too

How does your system decide if he's a medic or a bandit?

The same problem applies to every other combination

I can steal things, be a medic in my group, kill bandits, be a bandit at the same time and I can slay lots of zombies

What skin do I get?


I would say according to your profile as you do the various things that give you skins (Without showing you of course) it would choose the most appropriate skin for you based on what you have done the most of or a combination of the most things you do, if you kill people/bandits the most it would give you that skin, or if you do alot of healing or alot of item pickup stuff then it would give you that skin, As for the theif skin, once the mechanics are fixed think of it this way, have it so if you sneak up to someone while they are pre occupied or something, take something out of their bag and get away unharmed it would tick it off as a steal, if you get shot within a specific amount of time or if you put something back into their backpack it doesnt count, the engine blocks the ability to do what he is explaining which makes it hard but i understand what he means.

There should be many more skins which are altered by your account, so if you die you dont just lose your default skin, it spawns with you, that only makes sense because realisticly you cant have what rocket wants, this only makes sense, as you do things your default skin changes, you can always put on other cloths like ghillie suits and camo which will change you, but your default will remain what you make it until you do something about it, that only makes sense, plus it would be alot more helpful if i know what you do the most of as i look at you or if you approach me i know what im getting into.

Chances are your going to do alot more killing than medicing or stealing so if i see that bandit skin it would put me on my toes, also once they fix the ability to hack they should unban all accounts and make the ones who are known hackers skin a Giant Pink Dildo with arms and legs, and unable to wear other clothes. A joke of course but a guy can joke cant he?

You never play skyrim? You get what you do most. You would need to do a lot of one thing to get the skin for example 5-10 acts depending on what skin

i.e murder/bandit kill skins would be 5 kills and for zombie killer you would need 10 zombie kills (i would like to see it personally at 50 but no one just goes around killing zombies)

medic would be about 10 or 15 acts of healing others

i give up on thieving ill just leave that to the survivor skin.

The counter would reset for the ones you don't have the most in.


You have 5 murders 1 heal and 2 bandit kills.

After about ( i would like to see) a minute or less whatever you don't have the most of gets reset.so after a minute it would look like this

5 murders 0 heals 0 bandit kills

You only get the skin if you focus on one subject if you don't and just do all the above you stay survivor.

Edited by Slyguy65

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Stop whining about skins/morphing and yes we want a realistic as possible game. We all know it isn't as real as what we live now but we want a realistic "zombie simulation" we all know its a fucking game dumb ass I am not living my life in a zombie apocalypse or never can and for the base game arma 2 we don't want to go to war... I can't stress at you enough but people like you REEEEALLLY annoy me

People like you annoy ME being all rude and ig'nt....your whole little rant had no sense to it except to insult me....your a fucking fool to say that people don't look the way they act for the most part.

Edited by Slyguy65

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