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Looking for a player or two to team up with (US)

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On Monday the 13th or Tuesday the 14th I will be starting off my first time in DayZ (ya I'm a noob), and I was looking for any other players that would want to team up with me because there is always strength in numbers. It doesn't matter if you have skype or not but I would favor it if you did because it would be better for us to communicate quickly without having to press anything. I also may be a noob but I have watched a lot of DayZ guide videos so I know how to find certain items like Civi and military gear and to do basic tasks like zeroing and scavenging.

NAME: Caleb


AGE: 17

STATE: Arizona

TIMEZONE: Mountain Standard

SKYPE: calebsith

STEAM: calebsith7

P.S. I don't care whether your a noob or a pro, or whether you just want to add me to your team or you are by your self.

Edited by calebsith

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i'll join up with u, im a new player myself, dont have skype but i guess i can always sign up for it

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