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Looking for someone to chill with in DayZ

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Died again this morning so i just have the basics anyone want to hook up?

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I am at Green mountain if anyone wants to hook up.

Out of all the reply's i have only played with 2 people, one raged quit when he died, another one managed to get on skype yet quit because his mic screwed up and others just don't accept skype requests. Why is it so hard to find someone to play with hehe

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My name is D3nty on steam

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Offer is still open :)

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I will be online for the next 12 hours, can't sleep much due to this heat wave in the UK. Please be over 20 and have a working mic if you want to add me to Skype feel free to i don't bite unless you ask :)

Skype: denty23

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I should be online all day today, offer still open if anyone wants to team up. Looking for someone who can play likes to play tactful. Must also have skype and be over 20 :)

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