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NL36 looking for regular players

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Ello, us at NL36 are looking for some regular members who would like to setup camp and make this server your home, we have regular admins online and we do not appreciate hackers, combat-disconnecters or ghosters, we hit down hard on unskilled players like that.

Server gets restarted about midnight gmt+2 for stability and preformance boost.

So come help us have some fun :)

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Crosshair, 3d Person View, Map Tags, Name Tags, Working Vehicles, Where is server located?

Edited by Delta-Dude

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Also are there any constant clans bigger than 20 people in it? Don't wanna have another home server with 100+ members clan on it.

Edited by Delta-Dude

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well its called NL36 so its located in the netherlands, havent seen a group of 20 clanmembers on it and we are a group of 4-5 :) we only got the vehicles we need so there are still alot spawning around. crosshair on, nameplates arent, 3rd person is on and no maptags, its veteran and we are located in the EU and server is in GMT+2

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  On 8/7/2012 at 1:09 AM, Zyfer said:

Why would we do that?

Every other admin seems to do that

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  On 8/7/2012 at 1:10 AM, NeonPromise said:

Every other admin seems to do that

well, we arent like any other admins, we had a big ass fireball around our base once and all the shit was gone, so we had to reboot and all the shit was still gone, no biggie as we found it later that day. but not, we dont do it to get our stuff back as we usually find it again.

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  On 8/7/2012 at 1:16 AM, Zyfer said:

well, we arent like any other admins, we had a big ass fireball around our base once and all the shit was gone, so we had to reboot and all the shit was still gone, no biggie as we found it later that day. but not, we dont do it to get our stuff back as we usually find it again.

Alright that's cool, might make this server a regular server I go on then.

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  On 8/7/2012 at 1:22 AM, NeonPromise said:

Alright that's cool, might make this server a regular server I go on then.

we try to keep the server clean from anything that isnt supposed to be there aswell as hackers, and we do give out bans but they arent unfair, its only if people disconnect from combat or are found cheating, but if someone is in our camp they dont get a ban, we arent admin abusers so dont worry about that :) the only thing you need to fear is bullets, other than that it should be clean :)

when the server restarts you will get a server message so you can save stuff and log before the restart :)

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  On 8/7/2012 at 12:38 AM, Zyfer said:

well its called NL36 so its located in the netherlands, havent seen a group of 20 clanmembers on it and we are a group of 4-5 :) we only got the vehicles we need so there are still alot spawning around. crosshair on, nameplates arent, 3rd person is on and no maptags, its veteran and we are located in the EU and server is in GMT+2

jammer, ik en een paar vrienden zoeken nog een home server om een kamp te bouwen etc, maar we spelen het liefst op regular, aangezien op veteran al die zombie's wel een zesde zintuig voor survivors lijken te hebben.. geen kans dat de server naar regular gaat neem ik aan?

Edited by Winchester1988

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What do you mean with ghosting? All i know about that is from cs 1.6, to have one i spec and tell team1 where team2 is moving

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We might be interested, we already have a few members and we could join up with you guys. For a week or so we have already been switching servers, because on other servers our vehicles get stolen within one day by admins etc. Tell me if u use any voip to communicate. We're all from the netherlands. Add me on steam (migchelsen1993) or tell me a teamspeak ip or so.

Gr, Trip

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  On 8/8/2012 at 7:15 AM, Winchester1988 said:

jammer, ik en een paar vrienden zoeken nog een home server om een kamp te bouwen etc, maar we spelen het liefst op regular, aangezien op veteran al die zombie's wel een zesde zintuig voor survivors lijken te hebben.. geen kans dat de server naar regular gaat neem ik aan?

Nope it will not go regular, would make it way too easy.

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Hi there

What little script kiddie magically teleported in front of me and my mate and killed us on the way back to our chopper in the middle of nowhere which took 8 hours to repair the other day ? not only tht, blew up the truck which we nicked and squashed our tents nice one lol. Set up another camp aswell tht mysteriously got squashed the next time i logged in, not havin much luck here..

Oh and the servers lagging like a bitch right now.

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