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ricki (DayZ)

New script named: Mortal kombat

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Okay so.. today a scripter teleported all of us to a arena similar to thunderdome. just without guns, You had to Vault ppls to death? dafuq is wrong with the scripters..

Any1 been a part of this new script, first time im seeing it and cant find anything on google.

Whenever you die and respawn you spawn in the air and your gonna fall down and die again.

Any1 experienced this one yet?

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abort right before you hit the ground, and log back in. It will spawn you back in the air where you logged out. You'll be OK then.

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I logged into a server this morning which greeted me with "Welcome to Mortal Kombat", but I logged out before i could load in because I didn't want to risk any of my stuff to some pre-pubescent scripters' silly game. :/

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When will they hit on a script that people actually want to play more than the base mod, since we have all of this artifacting and so forth.....

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It's not very imaginative is it? "Mortal Kombat"

Some very bored people out there if they have to do shit like this to entertain themselves.

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Sounds better than TD. I finally got to play TD last night and everyone just took AS50s out of the crates, one shotted eachother then D/Ced after syncing with their new gear, so it was basically DayZ as per usual.

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Just happened to me. This is the second time my servers been hacked and every dying in the last week. Kinda defeats the whole point of the persistence of the game when you randomly die with zero control over it.

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three times to me so far in the past two hours.

on three different servers, too.


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Hmm.. i think this is a new scriptie :-/ i like thunderdome better cus you can escape in the helicopter d:

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So I logged back in again, luckily all that has happened to my survivor was the fact, that I was teleported to the NW Airfield... well, just be sure to log out as soon as you can "feel" something must be wrong.

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I logged into a server this morning which greeted me with "Welcome to Mortal Kombat", but I logged out before i could load in because I didn't want to risk any of my stuff to some pre-pubescent scripters' silly game. :/

Just curious.

Not that I support hacking and or hackers.

But why do you assume that the folks creating these hacks are all "script-kiddies" or children?

Clearly they have some kind of knowledge above yours to be able to create these kind of things.

Yes, there are children who find how to do it and run the mass kill scripts. And they are annoying as shit.

But the majority of these script-makers probably aren't, considering it takes some know-how to do what they're doing.

Aka, creating a script that teleports everyone into an arena, with spawned in buildings (etc.), making vaulting kill each other, as well as bypassing an anti-hack.

That's pretty smart if you ask me.

Does it ruin the game? Yeah. Do I think it should be allowed? Nope.

Assumptions like that make you sound like a child.

But more on topic; I prefer when I'm thunder-domed. No one really knows what to do in mortal combat.

Edited by Masis

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yay i just got F*CKING KILLED! i was on a field, killed a cow, made a fire and was very happy as i had everything to survive and a good weapon. suddenly i was in a small arena where i died :(

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Just curious.

Not that I support hacking and or hackers.

But why do you assume that the folks creating these hacks are all "script-kiddies" or children?

Clearly they have some kind of knowledge above yours to be able to create these kind of things.

Yes, there are children who find how to do it and run the mass kill scripts. And they are annoying as shit.

But the majority of these script-makers probably aren't, considering it takes some know-how to do what they're doing.

Aka, creating a script that teleports everyone into an arena, with spawned in buildings (etc.), making vaulting kill each other, as well as bypassing an anti-hack.

That's pretty smart if you ask me.

Does it ruin the game? Yeah. Do I think it should be allowed? Nope.

Assumptions like that make you sound like a child.

But more on topic; I prefer when I'm thunder-domed. No one really knows what to do in mortal combat.

The scipt kiddies make the hacks, the people who use them are 10-14 year old children looking to troll people. That is why. No, they aren't advanced hackers, the people who make them are but the users are children.

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