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Dear sniper camping elektro noobs....

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How did it feel to lose all that hard earned gear, with the last words you hear being "LET ME AXE YOU A QUESTION" right before I hatchet your skull in. I wish I could get that lucky all the time.

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Were you on atlanta 206?

Did you release a live stream of you saying that ? as im sure i watched a vid of that today ? you killing some gilly snipers with erm 'Thesacrial' as if it is that was hilarious :)

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Did you release a live stream of you saying that ? as im sure i watched a vid of that today ? you killing some gilly snipers with erm 'Thesacrial' as if it is that was hilarious :)

Nah this dude had the normal outfit. I somehow almost missed him and almost ran completely over him, but I didn't :D.

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You son of a- THAT WAS YOU!

Actually i wasn't there but i can imagine the rage. BEATEN BY A HATCHET!

This is why i use a assault rifle, no one sneaking up on me.

Edited by harley001

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harley001, about your profile picture..

Don't forget there's a bandage too!!!

And about the topic.

People kill freshspawners in Elektro because it's safer than in cherno, where some groups hunt down bandits, and because pretty much the entire city is visible from the "Sniper Hill". Fortunately or unfortunately, people who used to server hop in the sniper hill now server hop in the plains beside it, and kill whoever is sniping noobs and leave their bodies unlooted.

There you have it, a good way to get high quality gear, loot their bodies, you might leave Elektro with AS50, NVGs, rangefinder and more!

Edited by SirTai
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