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Riddick (DayZ)

Bandit Skin change issue (all lost)

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You will still lose the contents of your backpack however using the above method.

But at least your character won't get teleported.

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Please just remove this feature.

Some cretan with a Makarov was firing at me from 200m and I felt threatened, so I shot him... bam, banditville for me. Lost the entire contents of my backpack, which was a DMR, 4 mags, meds+water bottles...

I've had that rifle forever. To lose it to a bug is a shame.

I think we should probably get our character's set back to before this affected them. I'm grumpy.

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I had this happen to me, some guy was following me so I finally got nervous to the point where I shot them. Since then my character randomly respawned, only I can't get past "Character Data Received from Server" I might spawn for 2 or 3 seconds before the screen goes black and requests the data again.

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Killed 2 bandits attacking me, screen went black and I reloaded and spawned in the water. 4 hours walking for nothing FFS.

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Yeah, get rid off of character changing until it's fixed. When it's fixed put it back, so we can indentify bandits...

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Yeah, I became a bandito after defending myself (shooting one guy and killing another went down to -268 from +2775) and only the back pack items where lost when this happened.

However, I'm almost at +2000 humanity again and I'm rather paranoid about becoming a Survivor again due to bug reports of spawning in the sea and losing all gear, and therefore having to restart afresh...


I heard a rumour that if you're moving while your character changes you spawn in the sea. So, bearing that in mind, I let my character up to 1800 humanity and gave a buddy a bloodpack to take it over 2000 - I had dumped my kit into a tent before applying the blood pack to my buddy to avoid using it. Because I wasn't moving, my character changed back to survivor where i was standing (score!) and then had the black "Receiving/received character data". All I had to do was reconnect (making sure my character was saved to where i was standing (Unsaved: false) and all was good.

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Yeah' date=' I became a bandito after defending myself (shooting one guy and killing another went down to -268 from +2775) and only the back pack items where lost when this happened.

However, I'm almost at +2000 humanity again and I'm rather paranoid about becoming a Survivor again due to bug reports of spawning in the sea and losing all gear, and therefore having to restart afresh...


I heard a rumour that if you're moving while your character changes you spawn in the sea. So, bearing that in mind, I let my character up to 1800 humanity and gave a buddy a bloodpack to take it over 2000 - I had dumped my kit into a tent before applying the blood pack to my buddy to avoid using it. Because I wasn't moving, my character changed back to survivor where i was standing (score!) and then had the black "Receiving/received character data". All I had to do was reconnect (making sure my character was saved to where i was standing (Unsaved: false) and all was good.


This happened to me twice today. I killed someone and suddenly everything went black and I saw text "Character data received from server". I ended up spawning in the sea and lost everything and had to respawn. Next time I was able to restart by aborting.

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Just adding to the data collection about this bug: just a few minutes ago I was running with my friend, turning from bandit into survivor. It happened without a loading screen, and all of a sudden my main rifle and equipment slots were empty, I kept my backpack, with all inside and vital equipment + ammo belt and sidearm. Then my friend tells me that he can see my "former self" swimming inside the side of the hill + he could loot my backpack on the ground, he didn't do it though. I then relog to desperatly see if I can get my rifle back. No luck, we searched the ground too and instead of finding any dropped items, I too found former skin swimming in the ground. Just a little heads up :)

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Just to let everyone know, this is still an issue, and resulted in my death.

I was just running through some forest outside Lopatino on Chicago 2, and my humanity meter went over 2k, switching my skin back to survivor and deleting my current gun (winchester 1866, arguably the best gun in the game) along with all its ammo and a bunch of stuff in my pack as well, food, water, fence kit, flares. Low on makarov ammo, I ventured into Lopatino trying to find badly needed supplies. I ran out of ammo very quickly, and was killed because I didn't have my well stocked, quiet weapon anymore.

I would be less unhappy about this if this bug was related to a mechanic I thought should be in the game, however the skin switch mechanic is in my opinion incredibly unnecessary and stupid. It doesn't make sense from a realism standpoint and it takes away from the tension of player interaction. Bandit skins confirm that a player has killed other players, you know he/she is not safe to be around. Not to mention you can get the skin through self defense, which is equally stupid and yet another reason this feature should not be included in future versions. I humbly request you remove it from the game.

I have heard that characters can be restored if they are lost to bugs, is this true? I had a very good run going and it would be a shame to lose my character to such a silly thing.

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humanity meter went over 2k' date=' switching my skin back to survivor and deleting my current gun along with all its ammo and a bunch of stuff in my pack as well, food, water, fence kit, flares.


This same thing has happened to me twice already.

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Known bug. Working on it. Very sorry that happened.

lol its still happening .................................

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