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US 590 hacker

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* Server this happened on. ---US 590

* Time that it happened including your timezone---. 530pm EST

* What happened during the incident. --- So on this server, it's fairly low populated all the time. at the current time of 530pm there was about 4 people on, 3 playing 1 in lobby. [NGM.] Preestar joins, and immediately after people are being killed within 10 seconds of each other. I was at my group base camp consisting of 3 tents, 1 UAZ, 1 ATV, THE GOD DAMN HELICOPTER and our precious bicycle.

Along with my entire camp being destroyed, in which i saw the aftermath after running 20mins from cherno, but my body was gone.

I had just found and collected my 2nd SVD.

This is the guy

[NMG.] Preestar


Items lost (important items)

2x SVD

2x ghillies

13 SVD mags (i had been saving for weeks. WEEKS.)

1 M9silenced

5 M9silenced mags

3 night vision

1 ranger finder


along with a few DMR's, M4's, 1 M4 SD, 2 M16A2's, and 6 tents.

I feel bad for whichever server I join.

there will be a massive murder spree with thy hatchet.

**edit: went to check again on the gametracker and now 'player not found' searched his name and now comes up with http://www.gametracker.com/player/%5BNMG.%5D%20Preestar/ a different IP. so either he's masking his IP or some fucking bullshit gypsy magic.

Edited by FcDoc

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