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Survive at any cost

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Hello there!

Here is my recount of the first kill that addicted me to this amazing DayZ mod. My hand was shaking afterwards, this was my first ArmA II & DayZ fire fight. I learned the controls pretty quickly, and I read countless of tutorials as I was waiting for ArmA II to download.

I spawned east of Kamenka, and I decided to head east, find some gear and then head out into the north. The tutorials spooked me pretty bad, so I kept checking my six all the time, as I was running alongside the road in the forest.

After a while I came up to a clearing which had to be crossed in the open. I made a dash for it, checking my six even more often as I went along. Before reaching half of the way I saw a survivor behind me running up the hill I was on, directly for me.

I crouched behind a bush, but I kept an eye out for his attentions. He shot at me very quickly from pretty far away, which made his intentions clear. I went into prone and drew my iron sight on him. He quickly threw himself onto the floor which got him out of my eyesight.

He was higher up the hill and so had the upper ground, but because I was behind a bush I wasn't worried. Waiting ensued, and a few pot shots where released, to see if he was moving. He was very slowly crawling down the hill to my left.

Suddenly he got up and started to run down the hill towards some rocks. I had to jump out of the bush to be able to see him, and to draw my iron sights on him. I hit him once into the chest, he started to bleed, but he made it to the rock.

I went into prone next to the bush, and kept changing my iron sight to both sides of the rock. He was close enough for me to hear him bandaging himself. More waiting ensued.

When he finally jumped out of cover my iron sight was immediately on his head and my Makarov exploaded led into his face. He fell down as my kill count went up.

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