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Booby traps

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Add components to build booby traps. Like the bear trap. Stuff like what Rambo made in First Blood. All he had was his knife. Perhaps a spool of rope? or maybe some wiring for tripwires? This way people can protect a cache or a tent while offline.

This doesn't necessarily mean mines or claymores. This simply means basic traps like what Arnold makes in the end of Predator.

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I totally agree and have always thought about this, since this game is about surviving with the basics, it fits in perfectly and is needed greatly.

Hope Rocket sees this :)

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Making booby traps would be a really nice addition to the game I think. That shouldn't be where the idea ends though. I think adding Land Mines (proximity ones to be exact) would be nice to. I imagine that they would be quite rare though, kinda like the rocket launcher.

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+1 for booby traps.

In one of my threads I encouraged being able to harvest more environtmental items for more minecraft-y creative building, this fits right in.

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Booby traps would require some kind of crafting system. I agree if done right they would be fun but it seems like that may be a later addition to the game and only in the standalone, not in the mod. I do think that claymores and other mines would be a nice addition. But as the above ppl said they would have to be extremely rare spawns.

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