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AzzurrA (DayZ)

Tweak to grenades and aggro

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I did a search but couldn't really see anything related to this, so I thought I would put this out there...

'To me', I believe it to be a fairly simple tweak, but obviously I haven't seen the code myself...

When you currently throw a grenade, zombies seem to aggro from quite a large distance away (which is fine) however the zombie aggro currently seems to come back to the person who threw the grenade, and not to the point of the explosion itself to investigate the sound, even if the explosion was 40 - 50m away...

This isn't realistic in that they wouldn't know the point of origin for the grenade throw, they'd only know where the explosion was...

Would it be possible to implement a similar 'investigate' routine, similar to that used when you throw a tin can/bottle/smoke grenade, where the zombie will investigate the actual explosion, rather than the originating source?

Anyway, just thought i'd put my 2 cents in!



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