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Looking for other survivors. Use Teamspeak.

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I Know how to use gear and how to scavenge as well as Identify what town/ area I am in. If anyone wishes to join me we will meet up in game and scavenge for supplies and look for a transport. Once that is accomplished we will head up north. Any questions or requests? Just Reply to this topic. Check every now in then to see if you get accepted. Also please tell me a bit about yourselves. If you already have transport or a helicopter, we will just all meet up at one point.

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im intrested, im at komarovo just been killed, i have a mic and im 16 years old almost 17

skype @ damo19951

Edited by damian1995

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Add me on steam real quick

Steam : isaywhut

i am a stealth player and i hate annoying people. and i do not accept players who just sprint across the town i like tactical plays

i got a mic.

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Id like to meet up. Im in Cherno. Sorta new at the game, but Ive got the basics

Skype: derrikastro

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Hey, Im looking people too play with, I'm at cherno at the minute, i have a weapon and supplies,

add me on skype: bryan.murray129

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hey man i need someone to roll with now my old partner died so id be happy to work with you. I am not a backstabber, am 13 but am mature, and i have a mic, and have skype. My old character just died so i have no stuff at moment but am going to scavenge elektro. Let mek now if u are Interested

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Hello, I'm 22 years old, and i'm looking for some mature organized, tactical gameplay. I have a mic, Can use TS / Vent / Skype / Steam.

My current load out is DMR / M4A1SD. My style is Stealth, or 1 shot 1 kill from a distance.

If you need a mate for overwatch / sniping, id love to fufill the role, Also i don't know if this matters but i was in the military for 4 years, and i have plenty of combat experience. My Steam ID: Evilpookie

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