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DayZ Standalone system requirements

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Hi there, I want to ask the question if you think that the standalone version of DayZ will have the same requirements the mod has now, or if they will change. Tell me your opinion.

Edited by Benshi96

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If they keep the same engine, it will probably stay the same. If they switch to the Arma 3 engine it will probably increase

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If they keep the same engine, it will probably stay the same. If they switch to the Arma 3 engine it will probably increase

I wouldn't be too sure about that since they said in an interview that the requirements will stay the same... Well not exactly the same ofcourse, but won't increase too much. "Who is able to play Arma 2 will be able to play Arma 3, too." they said.

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Heh, need to upgrade my PC, too... Well or buy a new one but I guess I'll upgrade mine. With a 9500 GS, DayZ doesn't run too smooth. But it's hard to get the money needed with an income of 20€ (I live in germany) per month :3

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