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Trading M4A1 Holo w/ Launcher for Sniper

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Hey all!

I've acquired a fairly rare gun on my latest character: an M4A1 Holo with M203 Grenade Launcher. I've used it quite a bit and stockpiled quite the ammunition for it, but at this point I'd like to trade it for a sniper rather than go hunt for one myself :D.

Have: M4A1 Holo

5 Stanag mags / 1 SD mag

4 M203 HE grenades

Want: AS50 or DMR (Must be one of these)

Your gun must have AT LEAST 1 mag, if you provide more, I will gladly throw in some grenades or additional mags.

I'm up near the Northeast Airfield so if you don't feel like running up to meet me don't bother!

Add me on Steam to discuss, no point in posting.


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Isn't that gun hacked into the game? I've never ever seen that gun before, and I've been playing for along time

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Sold! Thanks

Edit: Replied to your PM

Edited by Valdorian

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