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Where to send our complaints?

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It is often said that DayZ and Arma2 are not responsible for policing the hacking problem. Who is? Everyone points to BattlEye. So, if BattlEye has no forums (they don't), where do we send our complaints about hacking?

BattlEye has an email address we can flood: support@battleye.com

But, before I start spamming them, I wanted to ask the DayZ crew where they believe our hacking complaints are best sent? The above address?


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Yes, the above address. You arent likely to get any response tho, but they are noted.

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Thanks, Suspenselol.

Lycake- QQ? Really? Hacking is a problem. I am standing up for myself (even if in minor action) rather than start hacking myself or do nothing (like you).

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Thanks, Suspenselol.

Lycake- QQ? Really? Hacking is a problem. I am standing up for myself (even if in minor action) rather than start hacking myself or do nothing (like you).

Before you send them an email tho, i suggest you look at some of the good battleye threads around here explaining it in a little more detail.

Battleye is working hard, an example is my thread here http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/59998-battleyes-activity-updated-daily-with-the-effects-of-active-banwaves/

with some timelines of banwaves

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Ok, I will. Only fair if they are already moving quickly in that direction. Thanks again.

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