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Helicopter Crash Site

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Can does or will this loot respawn once gone or will it only spawn new loot with server reset ?

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-edit- is that right Bubba Jones? I figured it would behave like any other loot point, but I've never revisited a crash, so I don't know.

Edited by Dingus

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The crash site is removed during restart and will appear somewhere else I'm pretty sure.

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The crash site is removed during restart and will appear somewhere else I'm pretty sure.

I know this much is correct. It is randomized at server resets.

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I love heli crash sites. Then again i cant take anything else since im fully stocked.

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Chopper loot respawns after 30 minutes. But you have to be over 100m~ away.

Crashed choppers respawn on server restart.

This is NOT true, no loot will EVER respawn at a chopper crash, when the server restarts and someone comes and loots it, that's it. Trust me, I have personally camped several of them or rechecked them, the loot does not respawn.

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Yes, it does not respawn. The loot actually gets determined when the helicopter originally spawns in - that's why you can see it in the grass from 100s of meters away - long before the zombies start appearing.

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Any map showing the possible locations? (like dayzdb.com/map)

I have a map of plenty of possible locations. But I always find my heli crashes near stary and novy sobor.

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As someone who has looted hundreds of crash sites, I can confirm that loot does not respawn, and crash sites only spawn the following loot:

- Bizon PP-19 SD




- MK-48

- M249 SAW

- AS50

- M107

- M14 AIM

- NVG's

- Medical Box

- Misc (Chem lights, cans, bottles, epi pens, morphine, etc.)

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