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Clan TRB causing problems on LU123

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Funny story... So my server restarts every monday of the week. Well... tents went missing and what not so i restarted the server again. *Poof* there they are once agian. Then i went on doing other stuff around the house till i got a poke in Teamspeak saying some one wants to talk to me. So i get on and talk to one of them and answer his questions. Well he starts talking about his clan flying a C-130 and spawn ammo and what not. I told him i dont want to heard that crap cause im just gonna have to kick them from the server. So he leaves and later someone else from his clan jumps on Teamspeak and asks whats with the server i told them someones hacking and im looking for the GUID's and the proof. So they keep asking when the servers gonna be up and i told then when i done. So i restart the server and they start getting kill once again because someones hacking again and try an say im then one hacking. Im not even play or have been playing the whole day. We've got your name they save dimala ...O.o --? My in game name is dForce - Dima ? ...hmmm I see how thats my name XD now there running around trying to get my server blacklisted.

One of the TRB members told be they had been banned from another before comeing to mine so what are they doing wrong i wonder....

Clan TRB:

[TRB] FriendlyJo

[TRB] Al Capone

[TRB] Killjoy445

[TRB] ValoR

[TRB] Jonathan


[TRB] Oscarr

[TRB] Calum


Ive got the ID's if anyone wants them ...

Edited by Dimadu
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Dimadu i conferm your storry i bann all TRB of lu198 cheat granade from nowher and invizible player

PS: for all cheater go to play DUKE NUKEN

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Dimadu, my friend. You and your clan have been showing us openly how you hack, we just didn't get proof. You guys had M4 Holo SD's in your camps, you would restart the server every time we got in a shoot-out. We would kill you guys and then you would come back behind us with full gear in a matter of seconds. You're quite the shame to your clan and this forum, Dimadu. cukukaloo, same story with you. You get killed and you restart the server, you banned us all and looted our camp. That's a severe abusal of your powers as a server owner. Also, you can see that we're experienced players by our YouTube channel.

Edited by iAmThePothead
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1. the server restart every night at 4.30

2. 08.08.2012 at 20.45 i stop the server for ban the TRB clan. REASON!!! cheating bro i dont whant to insulting nowbadi buth u dont play fair!!!

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Dimadu, my friend. You and your clan have been showing us openly how you hack, we just didn't get proof. You guys had M4 Holo SD's in your camps, you would restart the server every time we got in a shoot-out. We would kill you guys and then you would come back behind us with full gear in a matter of seconds. You're quite the shame to your clan and this forum, Dimadu. cukukaloo, same story with you. You get killed and you restart the server, you banned us all and looted our camp. That's a severe abusal of your powers as a server owner. Also, you can see that we're experienced players by our YouTube channel.

And I told you why the M4A3 Holo SD was in my truck not camp because we just looted a hacker camp and we wanted to get rid of the hacked weapons, But your kill our guy trying to refuel before coming back to camp so that i could distroy the weapons... that even after saying that you guys need to leave it on the ground did i still find it on the server.

Edited by Dimadu
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Just ban them all. Save yourself the trouble.

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I would happily answer to the first guy if I would understand a single word. Second guy, you're a hacker and a disgrace as you come on here and lie like that. You kept turning the sever off every time we raped you guys.

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Dima you're filling them with bullshit. You were the ones teleporting to our camp, and we even left your server. On TS you were insulting the clan itself as well.

-> TRB is not hackers.

Edited by Al Capone

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Yes, they're. Invisible hack, and some days ago "nuke" cheat; random flares and explosions.

EDIT: I forgot. They spend about 10 minuts to return to Elektro full equiped after we killed some of they.

Edited by Snaiperskaya

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Yes, they're. Invisible hack, and some days ago "nuke" cheat; random flares and explosions.

EDIT: I forgot. They spend about 10 minuts to return to Elektro full equiped after we killed some of they.

You sniped Valor at firing station, and then I sniped you and your italian clan on LU198. Get real, learn the game. I sniped you all out.

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Just shot at [TRB] K3nny right in the face at Elektro in a DE Server. He disconnected even though he shouldn't have lived the shot. They're on my shit list.

I found this by googling his name.

Edited by prominentalex

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You sniped Valor at firing station, and then I sniped you and your italian clan on LU198. Get real, learn the game. I sniped you all out.

I sniped no one, i had a M4A3 Holo. Sigh.

"Learn the game" said the one who disconnect/reconnect to avoid death.

Edited by Snaiperskaya
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And I told you why the M4A3 Holo SD was in my truck not camp because we just looted a hacker camp and we wanted to get rid of the hacked weapons, But your kill our guy trying to refuel before coming back to camp so that i could distroy the weapons... that even after saying that you guys need to leave it on the ground did i still find it on the server.

Edit: Misread that post. Why didn't you just fill your backpack and try to put the M4A3 Holo SD in your back pack? That auto destroys guns. Or even just blow up the tents with a grenade?

Edited by Mindless

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HI mate, this punks was on my server today, killed my buddies right after server joining and spawned near our camp. i've recorded some guid's, so you can ban them on yor server.

[TRB] Caleb ( 5e8da57776a79770c958bf681c6a338d

[TRB] K3nny. ( 74bb83727fd161151255a37a95296110

[TRB] TIM ( 81ccf6043224f51c018517e44f99ab2c

[TRB]Jackrobbx ( 09ca2d18902883503e5fcfc7a69976b2

[TRB] Al Capone ( 027f5f32be023694cfcf7703becc5a86

[TRB] alixtheone ( bd90d8f6fce369d939281f6a8bc1fe19

[TRB] ValoR ( 5a8acf3db0c78113238178bfdb71b632
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woops, didnt read all your post, you already got 'em ;D

can you pm me other's guid's pls?:)

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TRB are clan of combat logging ghosting losers. They also suck and cannot aim for shit, three of em jumped me and a mate and they all had ghillies with M4A1 CCO SDs, when we shot back they logged like the cowards they are but Al Capone's fingers are too fat and prevented him aborting the game fast enough.

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