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Solace (DayZ)

Servers Crashing?

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I play on 3 servers and have 1 or 2 backup servers I frequent. All 3 main servers seem to go down a lot, as do the backup servers. Is it normal for servers to go down periodically, or have I been incredibly unlucky with my choices? Servers going down for 2-8 hours is something I am seeing a lot lately, and I was wondering if it was a problem with the mod itself, ArmA 2, or I was just unlucky with incompetent or low numbers of admins on specific servers.

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You need to adress the Admins of those servers....only they know the reason why server is down or not.

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You need to adress the Admins of those servers....only they know the reason why server is down or not.

Yes, but multiple servers having recurring downtime is a bit odd. There has to be some kind of cause that surely they do not even know, otheriwse they would not be having the problems. Not to mention I cannot simply address the admins due to server chat being removed by Rocket, and that they do not list a clansite or anything in their server name. I could make a thread on here addressing them, but how likely is it that they'd see it and respond? That, and I'd prefer to keep my server list out of public record.

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