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PSA - Paradropping cows...

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So if you see paradropping cows or any other thing falling from the sky that is not a heli crashing (hopefully full of players) just leave the server asap... I stuck around to do see where they are landing but less then minute later was dropped form 1k up.






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Well at least he gave you time to abort the game.

Was hoping it was a happy hacker, not a asshole.

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Sequel to operation dumbo drop? Ray Liotta really is having issues rebooting his career isn't he....

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Were you the one dropping those by any chance? You appear to have some of the rarest pieces of loot plus you blocked out your debug stats.

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Were you the one dropping those by any chance? You appear to have some of the rarest pieces of loot plus you blocked out your debug stats.

I had like 10 z kills and a but load more of pks. I got the gear off a dead player who logged in at the wrong place at the wrong time.

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