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OB1 (DayZ)

sad but true... dayz got unplayable :(

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its kind of funny 2 read all those post "hackers on us 50 , hacker on fr10 , hackers on de 1045" and so on ...

lol they are every were it seems like there are 50% hackers who still play dayZ :(

the last 3 servers i joint with over 30 man on i got teleportet and killed in not longer then 5mins OMG ! .and all my good stuff gone once again :( ..this game just got 2 a big kiddy small coc* hacker party ! like i say sum 1 with good equip will get killed (teleportet) on a full server in not longer then 5mins ! ...its got totaly out of controll :( shame on u hackers u killed sutch a brilliant mod/game

its so bad right now that u have no change 2 play anymore except on a empty server :(

i got killed so often by hacker and lost everything i dont rlly care about it , and i cout allways ignore those kiddys ...but right now were in a stage that u arnt able 2 play anymore cuz out of 10 player on the server there will be 1 hacker who toys u and finlly killes u ! sad but true :(

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Hackers can now to a degree ruin connections and make it impossible to load correctly

I can't wait for standalone

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I had been playing low population servers until this past weekend. Everything was fine until my group and myself went to the ever so popular 50 man servers. It has been downhill since. We went from not dying from a single hacker in the low pop. servers, to dying atleast 10 times this weekend by a hack. I myself have really started to view this mod differently, and i definitely don't play it like i did before the weekend. I discovered what all the "COD" references were about as well as learned about just how bad the hacking really is. It's a sad, sad thing..... :(

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