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Bug: Dupplicating tents with the tents bug placement.

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Date/Time: 25/05/2012

What happened: As we all know placing a tent is next to impossible in the build But there is a way to make it work, and while it works to place the tent, it also dupplicate the item.

The trick is to open your inventory, move the tent to active inventory, then move your character around while keeping the inventory open. Then you furiusly press ''pitch tent'' while moving around slightly and looking at the spot you want the tent to be.

The character will stop moving, and place the tent, but the tent item will stay in your inventory.

Now, if you do the samething with the new tent item, it will duplicate the tent infinitly everytime the animation to place the tent start. No tent will be placed, but they will be duplicated.

Even if it only display on tent in your inventory, when you will drop it in a container, say the tent you just succeded to place, you will be able to move all the new tents.

I have now 7 tents that I acquired by accident trying to place a second tent when the first dupplication happenned.

Where you were: Klen, on top of the mountain, in between berezino and NE airfield

What you were doing: Placing a tent

*Current installed version:

*Server(s) you were on: texas1

*Your system specs: 8gig ram / intel core 2 quad CPU @2.66GHZ / windows 64 / nvidia geforce 9800 GT

*Timeline of events before/after error:

Looting in berezino

finding a tent

looting the tent

place the tent in my backpack

go to the klen mountain

pitch the tent

tent dupplicated

try to place second tent

tent duppliaced 6 times

put tent in the pitched tent

log off

UPDATE: When you place a tent using with the mentionned above technique, and take it back, then place another one, after a server restart the old tent is going to respawn... and now you have 2 pitched tents.

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bump for visibility, can't see it anywhere.

thanks whoever reviewed it.

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