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Looking for serious teammates, who will be online all the time.

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I'm looking for some players to make a team, we will choose a server, gear up, get some transport, build a base etc. If you want to join in, here's the rules:

#1. I don't invite noobs, like if you're not expierenced in the game, don't even post. You must know where you are at any time, you're able to navigate without a map, you must know where to find guns, etc.

#2. I want to talk on either skype or teamspeak, so leave your skype down below, or PM me it, your choice.

#3. Please please please, if you're willing to play like for today, or if you will be online like 2 hours a day, don't post too, if you're willing to play for 5+ hours a day then im interested in you.

I think that's about it, if you want, add me on skype: kisoniukas20

Or steam: kisoniukaz

Timezone: GMT+2

Edited by kisoniukas

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Erm, herpaderp, I'm on at least 5 hours a day, but ya' know, posting your time zone would be good too.

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i play about 3-5 hours a day minimum. right now am fully geared and can gear usualy in under a hour if i do happen to die. can navigate well without map/gps etc.

doesnt matter your time zone, i have nvg rangefinder etc.

role scout/sniper/spotter

age 25

locations SC,US.

hit me up

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i play about 3-5 hours a day minimum. right now am fully geared and can gear usualy in under a hour if i do happen to die. can navigate well without map/gps etc.

doesnt matter your time zone, i have nvg rangefinder etc.

role scout/sniper/spotter

age 25

locations SC,US.

hit me up

Your skype? :D

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Erm, herpaderp, I'm on at least 5 hours a day, but ya' know, posting your time zone would be good too.

Your skype? GMT+2

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been looking for guys who enjoys dayz as much as i do. been playing for over a month, got a good understanding of the game. i play as much as i can. im in GMT+1 if it sounds good, add me on skype! mmaaaad

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Im online pretty often. Im pretty well equipped and kno how to navigate. I like to hoarde supplies and can bring a lot of support to a squad. I communicate through Skype

username: derrikastro

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been looking for guys who enjoys dayz as much as i do. been playing for over a month, got a good understanding of the game. i play as much as i can. im in GMT+1 if it sounds good, add me on skype! mmaaaad

Im online pretty often. Im pretty well equipped and kno how to navigate. I like to hoarde supplies and can bring a lot of support to a squad. I communicate through Skype

username: derrikastro

Both added, still need some more.

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